Monday, September 9, 2019

Kissed By The Sun

Well, the week started off like 95 degrees and now we are dealing with like 60 degrees, and honestly, the contrast is making me shiver a bit. Rainy days have smitten the land. This is the first year I didn't have to inhale smoke all summer, so that was cool.

Speaking of the flaming temperatures, one day became too much for your boy, Elder Ruth. We had some people who needed some major wood split. They gave me a wedge and a sledge and set me to work. It was so much fun splitting large rounds and feeling super manly. It got less fun when Mr. Sun came in like a wrecking ball. I had to stop, due to some serious heat exhaustion. I felt kinda weak the rest of the day and was having a hard time eating, but I still got out there and kept working. I mean, lots of water, a nap and other care first, of course. Don't worry mom, I'm fine.

There's a family that we started teaching as soon as I got here. We taught them twice, and then we were unable to teach them again, supposedly because I invited them to be baptized, and the excommunicated member woman who wears the pants says that we are pushing way too hard. Anyhow, we tried all transfer and finally gave up on them this week. We traveled over there and we talked with the guy who really wanted to meet with us. The woman shut it down again. All I know is, we didn't do anything wrong, we followed our purpose in inviting others to come unto Christ, and the woman is directly responsible for halting the salvation of three others. If you couldn't tell, I'm not pleased with her.

I was so excited to one day get an email from the church informing me that the Book of Mormon videos are coming September 20th. I waited literally my entire mission for this. Anyhow, we mosy to someone's home who hasn't allowed the Book of Mormon in for over 30 years, and I ask if I can show them a video. Boom! Our member support then bore a testimony, and then I finished the job with more testimony. It was so hot, I don't know if she had a tear or a sweat drop streaming down her face. She says, "just one problem Elders. We don't have any Book of Mormons." Which is absolutely huge. We slopped two Book of Mormons into her and her husband's hands. He is so excited to read it, saying it's something he has wanted forever but never pursued because of her. These two are now well on their way. Sweet!

I didn't really want to tell our military academy boys that I was leaving, but a member dropped the news. They were sad to hear of my departure, but they all expressed their love and appreciation for me. I enjoyed bearing testimony to them, comparing the academy to a mission, and how they can do hard things when they rely on the Lord. It was sad to see them go, but I'm glad that liked me and that they are going to keep coming to our class. Three of them expressed they considered going to the catholic gathering instead because of how fun it is, but they will keep coming here because they know our church is the Church of Jesus Christ. Reminds me of when Jesus said to his friends, "will ye also go?" And the apostles all said they'd stay because Jesus is the way to eternal life. We aren't an exciting church with roller blades and a rock band, but we are the only true and living church on the earth. This is where you will find lasting joy and happiness.

I guess I don't really have much else to say. Orofino has been good, but my family has me excited to come home. Elder Haws is staying here for a third transfer, so he is happy about that. We ran over a skunk late at night in our car and it still stunk the next day. I also saw a raccoon, which is a far less common sighting than I thought. Missions are great. The church is true. I survived two years. Time to go home and do some serious girl hugging. Gird up your loins, boys, we're going on an adventure!  

Looks like my cat from home!

Monday, September 2, 2019

The Beginning of the End

Well, thus begins my final week as a missionary. Not that anything in this email relates to my final week, since I'm not Marty McFly, I'm just putting this out there. I'm fixing to come home in nine days, and I couldn't be more excited. It's bitter sweet, but missionary work doesn't end just because you've finished the mission. 

So Elder Larsen, my companion from December to February is up here, and he can't seem to sleep in his apartment in Kamiah! But any time he goes literally anywhere else, he sleeps as good as I wish I could. President had us do an exchange which lasted 3 days, where I was left in charge with Elder Larsen once again at my side. One of my favorite things I noticed is, people often change and become better than the last time you saw them. He's not the greenie I remember training! Anyhow, me and him got out to slop the streets and let the good times begin. (The good times are also present with Elder Haws, I love that guy.)

So we have a family of gators who up n moved that I wrote about in my last email. I wasn't pleased with this, and so I started some serious detective work. We eventually learned the general area of their new location. We gave details to the ward mission leader who gave us faulty directions, landing us atop the Dworshak dam, which is huge. I enjoyed doing a hand stand atop one of the cement barriers with the dam behind me. We then scurried around searching for anywhere else it might be. The other side of the dam was not the place. Finally we returned to the one who gave us the dirty deets on the families location and ended up becoming pretty good friends with her. She will become an investigator here in just a bit. Anyhow, we finally find the supposed campground and park the car. After walking through the woods, we scoped em out along the river! Boom! They were so glad we found them since they didn't have our phone number. So now, we are back in business teaching this family.

Another time, we were walking to a referral we received, and I felt sheepish since a party was going on at that house, and people were outside just staring at us. We just kept walking and I pulled us down the road into the first turn, landing us in a trailer park. I believe that for us missionaries, there's usually a reason for us when something like that happens. I decided we would knock on two doors. The first was a no answer. I stared the park down and then selected your boy, Devante's trailer. He's a Muslim kid who frankly doesn't care about that since he's a christian who only converted because his family did. He isn't sure if he can have us over, but before he closed that door, I dropped the dirty, "so what do you know about your family history?" Two days later, we had that man in the family history center. That's right, boys!

Saturday was one of the longest days of my life. We went to Kamiah for BBQ days. Woke up at 5:40 to leave at 6:00 and arrive at 6:30 AM. *grumble* Me and Elder Haws were way down a street holding a sign to direct runners in a 5K. Unfortunately, the people before us directed them wrong, so we were standing around for nothing more than to enjoy the excuse of the mountains they have. Later, we helped people set up for a parade, serve dinner, and then fold up bouncy houses. We finally left at 8:30 pm. The highlight of the day for me was no doubt when I was sitting under a pavilion, and a lil sparrow flew in and landed on my head! I had never had such an experience! The other elders joked about how they wish it was a dove so they could say the Holy Ghost descended upon me. 

Lastly, we got to teach at the military academy again this week. Only four boys showed up this time. So sad.. but they were the ones who participate the most and the ones I've developed the best friendship with. My patriarchal blessing talks about how I will learn to love the people that I serve on my mission. I could see that start to be the case in airway heights (and I'm referring to the people who I didn't know, since I loved my investigators) but that day, I saw the prophecy come true. You see, my whole mission, I've struggled with the word "love" when it came to other guys. I've had companions who say "love ya" just before bed, and I stayed silent because I had a mental block. I think Elder Herem got me to say it like twice. That day in the academy, I was able to look at these boys who I almost never get to see and barely know, and tell them that I love them, and they can make it. The military academy isn't easy, but neither is a mission. I heard them describing how they missed basic things, like seeing their family every day, or being able to just go home and lay down or open the fridge whenever they wanted and have food provided in abundance. They told me they'll never take these things for granted again. Me and the boys have learned, and I know because they told me, the Lord will always provide a way for you to make it. He will never leave you totally alone, and when you rely on Him, He will be with you and get you to the finish. I stand as testimony. 

I had my final interview with President, and he asked how it felt for me to have made it this far. I said, "I didn't think I would make it this far," and he said, "you know, Elder, I didn't think you would, either." The Lord provides a way. 

So there's my second to last mass email I'll ever send to this specific audience. Thanks to everyone to has supported me this whole time. It's been good. Anyways, Gird up your loins, boys, we're going on an adventure!

Check out this view!

Dworshak Dam

Monday, August 26, 2019

My Groceries!

I'm not saying that we should just nuke the paper mill in Lewiston, but if everyone in the town just decided to go and visit another city, I wouldn't be opposed to a bomb or two destroying the paper mill. We went three times this week, and each time, it smelled like the sewer released some brand new challengers who wanted to fight.

So anyways, they had us all travel to Lewiston on one of the occasions to go and find people for those elders to teach. I got paired up with their ward mission leader and was let loose. We were able to share a nice message at the less active members house and get her a ride for church, and then it was up to us to try and find new people. The ward mission leader didn't feel like tracting so he pulled me on over to an old folks community to talk to his other less active friend. That friend had a friend of her own over, who when she saw us coming, was starting to leave. She blew past her and went to his friend, so I did the first thing I could think of and comment on the escapees shoes. That started some nice conversations where I bestowed upon her the knowledge of parkour and some teenager lingo. Eventually, I learned about her husband who passed away a few years prior who she missed dearly. I was able to teach her about the resurrection and some of the plan of salvation. She was pretty grateful, and now those elders have one new person from us to teach. Nice. 

This week was harder in terms of finding. Not only could we not quite find any new people, but one of the families we found prior was living in a tent along the river, and they just moved without us knowing! Unlucky. Our other investigators have supposedly been the busiest people in the world. I didn't come out of the MTC yesterday, so I know what that means. :p but it's all good. Some people just aren't ready, but as we demonstrate our faith, God will lead us to others who actually are ready and will embrace the gospel. 

One day, we had been gone from the apartment for several hours, so we turned the air conditioning off. We return home around 9 and the power was out. I became so frightened for my newly acquired groceries! But also, it was roasting in our trailer. I tried to cool it down by opening and closing the door several times. I didn't struggle falling asleep, though I did have a hard time staying asleep as always. I was awake at 3:30 am when the power returned, scaring most of my life out of me. But as I lay pondering in my bed, I realized that I would be the dominant husband. My wife can sleep with ear plugs in because each time our baby cries at ungodly hours of the night, I'll already be awake and will therefore have no problem getting out of bed and helping it chill out. Let's go, boys. 

Not much else of interest really happened this week. I had my final zone conference, and I got a letter from the mission office telling me all this stuff to do before I return home. The temperature is dropping from the hundreds to the 90s, deer are just about everywhere, and the new trend we are in is now plums, instead of blackberries. Someone warned me that plums can also curse you with Montezuma's revenge, so I've been careful there. Other than that, there you go. *insert some comment about the stake president and hugging girls here*

My Last Zone Conference

Maybe there's more money on my card?  Here's to praying

Monday, August 19, 2019

Orofino's Alive Now

Ho ho ho, who wouldn't go? Even though most music in our mission is now banned, I can still listen to my Christmas music if it appears in the hymn book or can bring the spirit. Every night has been a silent night, and I have heard the bells on Christmas day every day. Let's go, boys.

We went on exchanges, kind of. A zone leader spent the day with us, so we had my favorite thing, a trio! Anyhow, here's the story of how I was "trolled by the holy ghost." That's what I call it when it lies to you to make you go the right direction. I felt strongly we should go and visit this old man who lives in a trailer park. He ends up not being home, so Elder Haws feels that we should walk over to the restaurant. As we are going, we pass an RV with tents and some angry dude smoking. Me and Haws both had no desire to talk to him, but the zone leader strolls on over despite that man's complaints. After a couple minutes of not much, the old man's wife and grandson arrive on bikes. It was quite interesting, each one of us talked to each one of them for a minute and then traded places until we had each talked to each person for a couple minutes. Old man softened up, and his wife and grandson ended up really wanting to hear more, so that's the story of how we netted 3 new people to teach in one go.

We were able to have a lesson with a potential investigator family which turned them into two new investigators on Monday. We taught the restoration with lots of power and all that jazz. Due to weird schedule stuff, we sent me in alone with a member to go and visit. The husband had been called in for work, so it was just her. As I talked with her, I was very surprised to hear that not only did they keep their commitment of reading the introduction of the Book of Mormon, but he just kept going and in two days made it from 1st Nephi 1 to Alma 26. Like geez, man! I haven't even done that before. I also learned that he really wanted to go to church, and she was thinking about baptism in the past. I bet we can invite them to be baptized shortly. Woot. Anyhow, before I went to that lesson, I had expressed to Elder Haws that I was hungry. As I waited at the members house to be picked back up, they fed me a roast coupled with jello and a protein shake. Couldn't believe it. Miracles. 

One day, I didn't really know what we were doing, I was just following Elder Haws. We mosy our way into a home that has a big ol buffalo sticking out of the wall. We talked and hung out for a while and I really had no idea who they were. Then Elder Haws asked me to share a message. I started by asking them who they even are. I was dealing with a less active woman of 30 years and her nonmember husband who would love to join. It was satisfying to open the book randomly and know the contents of that specific chapter without skimming. I shared with them a message that basically says that when you show God you are willing to listen, he will guide and direct you. He thoroughly enjoyed the message and he said that they had many missionaries in the past, but for some reason, I was the first one she had allowed to even open the Book of Mormon. I don't know what was special about me, but I know God prepares very specific people for the missionaries in an area, and we were lucky enough to stumble upon one for me! Now we are teaching him and his granddaughter as his wife participates. Nice. 

Something that I have fallen in love with in Orofino is the presence of berries everywhere. You can't walk very far before scoping them out, growing along fences and trees. I was wary at first of just picking a berry and eating it without washing, but after seeing enough locals and Elder Haws eat them, I finally went for it. Now I am always picking berries and staining my fingers with their purple colors. There was one day where we just kept coming across berries, and so I must've eaten over 300 berries. None of the locals bothered to tell me about Montezumas revenge, so now I understand to chill on the berries and only eat 300 or less. 

We had the great privilege of having Elder Stevenson of the 12 apostles come and visit us. It was so cool to shake his hand and look into his eyes and feel the spirit so intensely. He is basically like Peter or Paul or any other ancient apostles. I got to sit on the front row and was in awe at how he made eye contact with me so many times. You can really feel the love that he has for all of us, despite not really knowing us. He is so kind and genuine and really wants us to be happy and successful. The coolest thing to me is, that's how they all are, even the scariest of them all, Elder Holland. 

So that about sums it up for this week. The once dead area of Orofino netted us six new people for the week. Berries galore. I'm having so much fun driving my sweet rav4. My mission is almost done and I haven't given up and won't give up until that stake president says to go hug girls. 

Behold, the berries

We drive on lots of mountain roads

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Resurrect Orofino!

Another week another dollar.

My whole mission, I had heard tales of lore of the stench of Lewiston, due to the crafty nature of the paper mill. We showed up in Lewiston and I was pleasantly surprised to find out that it wasn't that bad! Over reacting scoundrels ;) So anyways, they had us go tracting for other missionaries, so we shake n bake our way through those sloppy streets, and after a few doors, find our way into three new people to teach! A nice family has been patiently waiting for the opportunity to be closer together, and after we testified how the gospel can bless their family, they instantly wanted it. Nice! Anyhow, when it was time to go the next morning, a foul stench seethed through the air, singeing each nose hair I currently own. I take it back, the rumors are true. Lewiston is nasty.

So back to Orofino. This area has a history of lower success due to the nature of the residents. So many people live so far away, it is hard to try and visit them. The small towns in existence have often been tracted out, so it can be discouraging. However, God sets you up if you show your desire! So we mosy on over to the town of Pierce, where we slip n slide straight into your boy, Gary, and his lovely wife, whose name I've forgotten. He has had enough of his time as a Jehovah's Witness, and he wants a family friendly church that will help them be closer. That's a common trend recently. He is a busy boy, but he very much so wants to have us over. He will receive his investigator status next week. Also, his name isn't Gary. I just can't use their real names ;)

Later on, we slopped our way through the town of Weippe (Wee-ipe) and found ourselves talking to a gentleman working on his car. His wife used to investigate the church, and she has fond memories of it, though shes lost contact with missionaries. He has heard her talk about it, so he also desires to have us over. He excitedly agreed to have us over on Monday, where we will begin teaching him and his wife and sister. Boys!

We get the opportunity to go and minister at a military academy each Sunday. It is such a humbling experience because the attendants aren't forced to come, they all show up if they desire. It rained and rained and rained this week, and it wreaked havoc at the academy. I was shocked to see water gushing out of the ceiling. It conveniently landed near a sink, so we had a bucket going which drained into the sink. Water ran down walls and dripped through the ceilings, yet each of these young men and woman were there because they wanted to be, and they gladly read scriptures with us and had good gospel discussions. It is so cool to see young people take the gospel so seriously. Wouldn't that be something, if we could all love the gospel so much that we would sit through the water falling on us just to hear the words of Christ?

Last but probably not least, we were perusing through what felt like a Hawaiian jungle when we stumble upon a guy who is basically Willie Nelson. His wife died 20 years ago and he misses her real bad. Long story short, after lots of his stories, we talked about the plan of salvation and now we've got a new friend to teach. 

So an area which is almost "dead" and bare has had some new life breathed into it. Because of our faith, we have already begun to wrought miracles and start to resurrect the final area of the Lord's vineyard He has appointed me a steward over. I'll be home in like 30 days, and I am proud to say that even though I am so tired and have stress and other things, I didn't and won't stop working until that stake president meets with me and says, "peace out. You're released. Go hug girls."

Reminds me of my cat at home

3 Nephi 14:20  Wherefore, by their fruits ye shall know them

Monday, August 5, 2019


Boy oh boy, what a week. I had to peace out with one of my best companions, the sun scorched us with over 100 degree weather and I moved into a trailer park. But that's enough of that jazz, let's get to the point.

So just before I headed out, we mosyed over to our family of 3 who had been coming to church and girls camp and more. After teaching about the temple, they were starting to get very enthusiastic with the idea of being baptized. Your boy Elder Willis just up and asks them to be baptized without having taught anything before hand, and to my great surprise, they just said yes! Woah! What a nice treat it was to leave my second to last area with three more people on date to be baptized, and in the hands of two of my friends.

So anyways, before we headed out to Orofino in Idaho, they had us just go out and tract. If you know me, you know I have other methods of finding, so I rarely tract. I figured we would walk to the farthest building of the complex and then to the farthest door. God knew of my silly ways, and so in that very door was a young married woman who just wants to find happiness. She was a bit hesitant at first, but warmed up really good and we had a great experience teaching her on the doorstep. She is now in the hands of some sister missionaries. It felt nice to be able to provide a new person for the sisters to help come unto Christ. 

So we travel on down to Moscow. I guess I didn't know just how far away Moscow actually is. I couldn't believe it, I was dying in my seat. Like two hours later, we finally arrive, only to be stranded at a church for two more hours. Eventually, our ride shows up and takes me on another ride, until we finally arrive in Orofino at 10:15 PM. I was very glad to finally arrive home in our dirty trailer. That being said, I spent a lot of time the next day cleaning it up and making it nice again. It took a while, but now we have a very clean trailer and it's pretty luxurious.

Here in this area, we have very few investigators. It's tough, everyone just lives so far away. It takes about an hour to get to any of the investigators that we currently have. We have to travel up winding mountains and across vast prairies to really get anywhere. I dont mind when I'm the driver--ive been given the best car in the mission! A 2019 Rav4. I just have a hard time if a member is driving us. I cant stand just sitting there doing nothing and getting somewhat sick from driving and turning everywhere. Anyhow, we go to a family and we teach them the plan of salvation. They are supposedly very difficult to teach and constantly interrupt. However, for the first time, they stayed invested and asked questions and waiting their turn and it was supposedly a huge deal. We went back again the next day with the same results. We don't have the exact date yet, but this family will be baptized in October. Looking forward to it!

Anyhow, I guess that's what we have got for this week. Just constant hour long drives and trying to lift this area in the name of the lord. 5 weeks remain for me, and some good stuff is happening. Goodbye my friends!

Bye Elder Willis! 
Resting for a second

Monday, July 29, 2019

The Sixth Seal Broke

I would ride my bike 5,000 miles and I would ride my bike 5,000 more. I kid you not, I almost rammed into a wild turkey. Good thing I didn't, that son of gun wouldn't have stood a chance against these chevrolegs! But anyways, let's get to the good stuff.

There's a pair of slacks I've had my whole mission which got ripped at the knee several months ago. I've toted them around for a long time and they've just taken up closet space. I decided this week that I would make them a pair of shorts. I didn't really know how to do it, but I knew I could do it. I cut the legs below the knee off the pants, then folded the jagged edge back to make it look neat. Then I took my needle and thread and started stitching the pants up to the best of my ability. An hour and a half later, I had a pair of Shacks. Short slacks ;) Boys!

We were just minding our own business, sitting outside with some member friends in the evening when the sky started to turn dark. It was very odd how quickly it faded away. Lightning frequently illuminated the air in searing purple and white light. We watched in fascination until it was too close. The friends bid us farewell and we escaped to the car. Things were fine and dandy until the lightning became even more frequent. Then all at once, thick sheets of rain rapidly pelted the car. Fierce gales of wind blasted past us, rocking the poor Corolla back and forth, pushing over trees and signs and anything else in it's wake. I white knuckled that steering wheel as we pressed on, shouting "Whoa!" And doing our best to see the road. Thunder bolts and lightning, very very frightening me! It became so intense that people started just pulling over and camping out. We braved the storm and finished our 7 mile drive back home, fighting our way through the demonic hosts of hell and dodging branches and more. The rest of the night was spent watching electricity violently surge through the air and strike the dank land of Spokane. 

We mosy our way onto the airforce base every Tuesday and volunteer from 10:30 AM to 1 PM. The airforce prints out a pass for us when we have an inside man come with us to the office. We received our passes and were good, so we proceeded on to the guarded gates. The guard takes our passes, frowns, and asks, "when were you issued these?" He showed that the passes were to expire at 10 AM instead of 1 PM. Two guards with large automatic guns joined his side and frowned at us. We explained that there must have been a mistake, it was supposed to be 1 PM. They had us pull forward, where we were blocked by a Barrier in the front and armed military police in the back. As I sat there pondering, I had a nice thought. Wouldn't it be really cool if when you were at the gates of heaven, if somehow a mistake was made, you could just sit there and wait without a shadow of a doubt that you were innocent of any wrongs. This was a situation that we could be afraid in, but I sat there, perfectly calm, knowing we had done nothing wrong at all. After 10 minutes, we received an all clear because the people at the office acknowledged the error over the phone and we were permitted to enter the base without bullet holes or a jail sentence. I know that I am not a perfect person, but I know the grace of Jesus Christ helps the repentant sinner be clean, and I aspire to be as calm as I was in that moment when I someday stand before the judgement bar of God.

One fateful morning, I received a call from the mission president and was asked to go off speaker. I was prepared to tell him that whatever he heard I did, I didn't do. He instead sorrowfully informed me of some terrible news which rightfully so could have debilitated me for the rest of the week. I kind of stood in the darkness for a minute or two in awe, then remembered a pep talk I used to give myself all the time. It is, "so what are you going to do about it?" I realized that just sitting there and taking the day off or even the next few days off would do nothing but allow me to soak in the depths of sorrow. A scripture in Alma showed me exactly what must be done. Alma 4:13 in my own words says "these people who had suffered something terrible could have sat and felt sorry for themselves, but instead they served each other. Because of it, they felt joy even in afflictions." I've learned from working out that pain is a minigame. When it hurts the most is when you can not quit. You must press on and finish, for when you feel the pain is where you grow the most. I slapped this situation in the face, got up and began to serve. We had one lesson planned for the day. Instead, I uppercutted fate and led me and an exchange companion on into three unplanned lessons and one new investigator. It was very gratifying to see that when I was willing to take some steps forward, the Lord added his strength to mine and led us to victory. Not only that, but as I've "lost myself in the work" I've found the pain diminish near entirely and I feel as good as I did last week. Now if only that worked for sleep.

We got our transfer calls, and I am peacing out of airway heights and entering the dank land of Lewiston Idaho. Commonly referred to by missionaries as Lewistank, they have a paper mill which makes the whole town smell like rotten eggs. It's always sad to leave a great companion and many friends, but I have been here for six months, and so I'm ready to go to my final area. 

That's about all the goods I'll be sharing for today. Catch me next week in Idaho. Or, in like 6 weeks in Utah, I guess. Bye!

We had to do service and luckily I had these clothes in the trunk of the car!

Look Mom!  A Crawdad!

Hike with some of the guys

Me and my Shacks