Monday, August 26, 2019

My Groceries!

I'm not saying that we should just nuke the paper mill in Lewiston, but if everyone in the town just decided to go and visit another city, I wouldn't be opposed to a bomb or two destroying the paper mill. We went three times this week, and each time, it smelled like the sewer released some brand new challengers who wanted to fight.

So anyways, they had us all travel to Lewiston on one of the occasions to go and find people for those elders to teach. I got paired up with their ward mission leader and was let loose. We were able to share a nice message at the less active members house and get her a ride for church, and then it was up to us to try and find new people. The ward mission leader didn't feel like tracting so he pulled me on over to an old folks community to talk to his other less active friend. That friend had a friend of her own over, who when she saw us coming, was starting to leave. She blew past her and went to his friend, so I did the first thing I could think of and comment on the escapees shoes. That started some nice conversations where I bestowed upon her the knowledge of parkour and some teenager lingo. Eventually, I learned about her husband who passed away a few years prior who she missed dearly. I was able to teach her about the resurrection and some of the plan of salvation. She was pretty grateful, and now those elders have one new person from us to teach. Nice. 

This week was harder in terms of finding. Not only could we not quite find any new people, but one of the families we found prior was living in a tent along the river, and they just moved without us knowing! Unlucky. Our other investigators have supposedly been the busiest people in the world. I didn't come out of the MTC yesterday, so I know what that means. :p but it's all good. Some people just aren't ready, but as we demonstrate our faith, God will lead us to others who actually are ready and will embrace the gospel. 

One day, we had been gone from the apartment for several hours, so we turned the air conditioning off. We return home around 9 and the power was out. I became so frightened for my newly acquired groceries! But also, it was roasting in our trailer. I tried to cool it down by opening and closing the door several times. I didn't struggle falling asleep, though I did have a hard time staying asleep as always. I was awake at 3:30 am when the power returned, scaring most of my life out of me. But as I lay pondering in my bed, I realized that I would be the dominant husband. My wife can sleep with ear plugs in because each time our baby cries at ungodly hours of the night, I'll already be awake and will therefore have no problem getting out of bed and helping it chill out. Let's go, boys. 

Not much else of interest really happened this week. I had my final zone conference, and I got a letter from the mission office telling me all this stuff to do before I return home. The temperature is dropping from the hundreds to the 90s, deer are just about everywhere, and the new trend we are in is now plums, instead of blackberries. Someone warned me that plums can also curse you with Montezuma's revenge, so I've been careful there. Other than that, there you go. *insert some comment about the stake president and hugging girls here*

My Last Zone Conference

Maybe there's more money on my card?  Here's to praying

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