Monday, September 2, 2019

The Beginning of the End

Well, thus begins my final week as a missionary. Not that anything in this email relates to my final week, since I'm not Marty McFly, I'm just putting this out there. I'm fixing to come home in nine days, and I couldn't be more excited. It's bitter sweet, but missionary work doesn't end just because you've finished the mission. 

So Elder Larsen, my companion from December to February is up here, and he can't seem to sleep in his apartment in Kamiah! But any time he goes literally anywhere else, he sleeps as good as I wish I could. President had us do an exchange which lasted 3 days, where I was left in charge with Elder Larsen once again at my side. One of my favorite things I noticed is, people often change and become better than the last time you saw them. He's not the greenie I remember training! Anyhow, me and him got out to slop the streets and let the good times begin. (The good times are also present with Elder Haws, I love that guy.)

So we have a family of gators who up n moved that I wrote about in my last email. I wasn't pleased with this, and so I started some serious detective work. We eventually learned the general area of their new location. We gave details to the ward mission leader who gave us faulty directions, landing us atop the Dworshak dam, which is huge. I enjoyed doing a hand stand atop one of the cement barriers with the dam behind me. We then scurried around searching for anywhere else it might be. The other side of the dam was not the place. Finally we returned to the one who gave us the dirty deets on the families location and ended up becoming pretty good friends with her. She will become an investigator here in just a bit. Anyhow, we finally find the supposed campground and park the car. After walking through the woods, we scoped em out along the river! Boom! They were so glad we found them since they didn't have our phone number. So now, we are back in business teaching this family.

Another time, we were walking to a referral we received, and I felt sheepish since a party was going on at that house, and people were outside just staring at us. We just kept walking and I pulled us down the road into the first turn, landing us in a trailer park. I believe that for us missionaries, there's usually a reason for us when something like that happens. I decided we would knock on two doors. The first was a no answer. I stared the park down and then selected your boy, Devante's trailer. He's a Muslim kid who frankly doesn't care about that since he's a christian who only converted because his family did. He isn't sure if he can have us over, but before he closed that door, I dropped the dirty, "so what do you know about your family history?" Two days later, we had that man in the family history center. That's right, boys!

Saturday was one of the longest days of my life. We went to Kamiah for BBQ days. Woke up at 5:40 to leave at 6:00 and arrive at 6:30 AM. *grumble* Me and Elder Haws were way down a street holding a sign to direct runners in a 5K. Unfortunately, the people before us directed them wrong, so we were standing around for nothing more than to enjoy the excuse of the mountains they have. Later, we helped people set up for a parade, serve dinner, and then fold up bouncy houses. We finally left at 8:30 pm. The highlight of the day for me was no doubt when I was sitting under a pavilion, and a lil sparrow flew in and landed on my head! I had never had such an experience! The other elders joked about how they wish it was a dove so they could say the Holy Ghost descended upon me. 

Lastly, we got to teach at the military academy again this week. Only four boys showed up this time. So sad.. but they were the ones who participate the most and the ones I've developed the best friendship with. My patriarchal blessing talks about how I will learn to love the people that I serve on my mission. I could see that start to be the case in airway heights (and I'm referring to the people who I didn't know, since I loved my investigators) but that day, I saw the prophecy come true. You see, my whole mission, I've struggled with the word "love" when it came to other guys. I've had companions who say "love ya" just before bed, and I stayed silent because I had a mental block. I think Elder Herem got me to say it like twice. That day in the academy, I was able to look at these boys who I almost never get to see and barely know, and tell them that I love them, and they can make it. The military academy isn't easy, but neither is a mission. I heard them describing how they missed basic things, like seeing their family every day, or being able to just go home and lay down or open the fridge whenever they wanted and have food provided in abundance. They told me they'll never take these things for granted again. Me and the boys have learned, and I know because they told me, the Lord will always provide a way for you to make it. He will never leave you totally alone, and when you rely on Him, He will be with you and get you to the finish. I stand as testimony. 

I had my final interview with President, and he asked how it felt for me to have made it this far. I said, "I didn't think I would make it this far," and he said, "you know, Elder, I didn't think you would, either." The Lord provides a way. 

So there's my second to last mass email I'll ever send to this specific audience. Thanks to everyone to has supported me this whole time. It's been good. Anyways, Gird up your loins, boys, we're going on an adventure!

Check out this view!

Dworshak Dam

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