Monday, September 9, 2019

Kissed By The Sun

Well, the week started off like 95 degrees and now we are dealing with like 60 degrees, and honestly, the contrast is making me shiver a bit. Rainy days have smitten the land. This is the first year I didn't have to inhale smoke all summer, so that was cool.

Speaking of the flaming temperatures, one day became too much for your boy, Elder Ruth. We had some people who needed some major wood split. They gave me a wedge and a sledge and set me to work. It was so much fun splitting large rounds and feeling super manly. It got less fun when Mr. Sun came in like a wrecking ball. I had to stop, due to some serious heat exhaustion. I felt kinda weak the rest of the day and was having a hard time eating, but I still got out there and kept working. I mean, lots of water, a nap and other care first, of course. Don't worry mom, I'm fine.

There's a family that we started teaching as soon as I got here. We taught them twice, and then we were unable to teach them again, supposedly because I invited them to be baptized, and the excommunicated member woman who wears the pants says that we are pushing way too hard. Anyhow, we tried all transfer and finally gave up on them this week. We traveled over there and we talked with the guy who really wanted to meet with us. The woman shut it down again. All I know is, we didn't do anything wrong, we followed our purpose in inviting others to come unto Christ, and the woman is directly responsible for halting the salvation of three others. If you couldn't tell, I'm not pleased with her.

I was so excited to one day get an email from the church informing me that the Book of Mormon videos are coming September 20th. I waited literally my entire mission for this. Anyhow, we mosy to someone's home who hasn't allowed the Book of Mormon in for over 30 years, and I ask if I can show them a video. Boom! Our member support then bore a testimony, and then I finished the job with more testimony. It was so hot, I don't know if she had a tear or a sweat drop streaming down her face. She says, "just one problem Elders. We don't have any Book of Mormons." Which is absolutely huge. We slopped two Book of Mormons into her and her husband's hands. He is so excited to read it, saying it's something he has wanted forever but never pursued because of her. These two are now well on their way. Sweet!

I didn't really want to tell our military academy boys that I was leaving, but a member dropped the news. They were sad to hear of my departure, but they all expressed their love and appreciation for me. I enjoyed bearing testimony to them, comparing the academy to a mission, and how they can do hard things when they rely on the Lord. It was sad to see them go, but I'm glad that liked me and that they are going to keep coming to our class. Three of them expressed they considered going to the catholic gathering instead because of how fun it is, but they will keep coming here because they know our church is the Church of Jesus Christ. Reminds me of when Jesus said to his friends, "will ye also go?" And the apostles all said they'd stay because Jesus is the way to eternal life. We aren't an exciting church with roller blades and a rock band, but we are the only true and living church on the earth. This is where you will find lasting joy and happiness.

I guess I don't really have much else to say. Orofino has been good, but my family has me excited to come home. Elder Haws is staying here for a third transfer, so he is happy about that. We ran over a skunk late at night in our car and it still stunk the next day. I also saw a raccoon, which is a far less common sighting than I thought. Missions are great. The church is true. I survived two years. Time to go home and do some serious girl hugging. Gird up your loins, boys, we're going on an adventure!  

Looks like my cat from home!

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