Monday, August 5, 2019


Boy oh boy, what a week. I had to peace out with one of my best companions, the sun scorched us with over 100 degree weather and I moved into a trailer park. But that's enough of that jazz, let's get to the point.

So just before I headed out, we mosyed over to our family of 3 who had been coming to church and girls camp and more. After teaching about the temple, they were starting to get very enthusiastic with the idea of being baptized. Your boy Elder Willis just up and asks them to be baptized without having taught anything before hand, and to my great surprise, they just said yes! Woah! What a nice treat it was to leave my second to last area with three more people on date to be baptized, and in the hands of two of my friends.

So anyways, before we headed out to Orofino in Idaho, they had us just go out and tract. If you know me, you know I have other methods of finding, so I rarely tract. I figured we would walk to the farthest building of the complex and then to the farthest door. God knew of my silly ways, and so in that very door was a young married woman who just wants to find happiness. She was a bit hesitant at first, but warmed up really good and we had a great experience teaching her on the doorstep. She is now in the hands of some sister missionaries. It felt nice to be able to provide a new person for the sisters to help come unto Christ. 

So we travel on down to Moscow. I guess I didn't know just how far away Moscow actually is. I couldn't believe it, I was dying in my seat. Like two hours later, we finally arrive, only to be stranded at a church for two more hours. Eventually, our ride shows up and takes me on another ride, until we finally arrive in Orofino at 10:15 PM. I was very glad to finally arrive home in our dirty trailer. That being said, I spent a lot of time the next day cleaning it up and making it nice again. It took a while, but now we have a very clean trailer and it's pretty luxurious.

Here in this area, we have very few investigators. It's tough, everyone just lives so far away. It takes about an hour to get to any of the investigators that we currently have. We have to travel up winding mountains and across vast prairies to really get anywhere. I dont mind when I'm the driver--ive been given the best car in the mission! A 2019 Rav4. I just have a hard time if a member is driving us. I cant stand just sitting there doing nothing and getting somewhat sick from driving and turning everywhere. Anyhow, we go to a family and we teach them the plan of salvation. They are supposedly very difficult to teach and constantly interrupt. However, for the first time, they stayed invested and asked questions and waiting their turn and it was supposedly a huge deal. We went back again the next day with the same results. We don't have the exact date yet, but this family will be baptized in October. Looking forward to it!

Anyhow, I guess that's what we have got for this week. Just constant hour long drives and trying to lift this area in the name of the lord. 5 weeks remain for me, and some good stuff is happening. Goodbye my friends!

Bye Elder Willis! 
Resting for a second

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