Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Resurrect Orofino!

Another week another dollar.

My whole mission, I had heard tales of lore of the stench of Lewiston, due to the crafty nature of the paper mill. We showed up in Lewiston and I was pleasantly surprised to find out that it wasn't that bad! Over reacting scoundrels ;) So anyways, they had us go tracting for other missionaries, so we shake n bake our way through those sloppy streets, and after a few doors, find our way into three new people to teach! A nice family has been patiently waiting for the opportunity to be closer together, and after we testified how the gospel can bless their family, they instantly wanted it. Nice! Anyhow, when it was time to go the next morning, a foul stench seethed through the air, singeing each nose hair I currently own. I take it back, the rumors are true. Lewiston is nasty.

So back to Orofino. This area has a history of lower success due to the nature of the residents. So many people live so far away, it is hard to try and visit them. The small towns in existence have often been tracted out, so it can be discouraging. However, God sets you up if you show your desire! So we mosy on over to the town of Pierce, where we slip n slide straight into your boy, Gary, and his lovely wife, whose name I've forgotten. He has had enough of his time as a Jehovah's Witness, and he wants a family friendly church that will help them be closer. That's a common trend recently. He is a busy boy, but he very much so wants to have us over. He will receive his investigator status next week. Also, his name isn't Gary. I just can't use their real names ;)

Later on, we slopped our way through the town of Weippe (Wee-ipe) and found ourselves talking to a gentleman working on his car. His wife used to investigate the church, and she has fond memories of it, though shes lost contact with missionaries. He has heard her talk about it, so he also desires to have us over. He excitedly agreed to have us over on Monday, where we will begin teaching him and his wife and sister. Boys!

We get the opportunity to go and minister at a military academy each Sunday. It is such a humbling experience because the attendants aren't forced to come, they all show up if they desire. It rained and rained and rained this week, and it wreaked havoc at the academy. I was shocked to see water gushing out of the ceiling. It conveniently landed near a sink, so we had a bucket going which drained into the sink. Water ran down walls and dripped through the ceilings, yet each of these young men and woman were there because they wanted to be, and they gladly read scriptures with us and had good gospel discussions. It is so cool to see young people take the gospel so seriously. Wouldn't that be something, if we could all love the gospel so much that we would sit through the water falling on us just to hear the words of Christ?

Last but probably not least, we were perusing through what felt like a Hawaiian jungle when we stumble upon a guy who is basically Willie Nelson. His wife died 20 years ago and he misses her real bad. Long story short, after lots of his stories, we talked about the plan of salvation and now we've got a new friend to teach. 

So an area which is almost "dead" and bare has had some new life breathed into it. Because of our faith, we have already begun to wrought miracles and start to resurrect the final area of the Lord's vineyard He has appointed me a steward over. I'll be home in like 30 days, and I am proud to say that even though I am so tired and have stress and other things, I didn't and won't stop working until that stake president meets with me and says, "peace out. You're released. Go hug girls."

Reminds me of my cat at home

3 Nephi 14:20  Wherefore, by their fruits ye shall know them

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