Monday, June 3, 2019

Shoulder Work Ahead

Here we've got a shorter email. I normally write about all kinds of crazy stuff, but not a whole lot really stuck out to me this week. We still saw great things, I just have less to say.

Elder Willis messed up his back brake or something on his bike a while ago, but it hasn't really presented much issues for us. We've ridden all around town finding new people to teach and wreaking miracles in the name of the Lord. It's been good! Well, there's some construction on the path we usually ride on, and so we went through a parking lot instead. I proceeded through the end and went down like a 10 foot long small hill offroad. Elder Willis is less familiar with the area, and he saw these water drains which lead into the grass. He didn't know that they had about a foot dropoff, so his front wheel dipped down and he flung over his handle bars, onto his head and then onto his shoulder. He played it cool for the ride back home, and then we drove to an urgent care. Hes badly bruised and sprained, but he is ok. Just kicking it in a sling. That made it a little harder because we couldn't use the car much, but we plowed on. 

One day when we were out finding, I had an idea like we should just knock on the doors near the potential investigator we were going for. I didn't really want to listen to the Holy Ghost, but we did and we ran into my man, a native from the Colville tribe. I was very excited because he is a descendant of the Lamanites of the Book of Mormon. He talked about he just believes in a creator but not much else. We went back a day later and shared a video called "the music of the gospel", which was made just for the natives. It was powerful. And then we bore testimony about who he is and the promises God has given him specifically and how strong his people were in the gospel and all this amazing stuff, and he was just hooked. He already is developing a great testimony, just like his fathers and I am excited for him to be restored to the truth! 

There's not much else for this week to share. I went on exchanges with Elder Farr, bought more bird food for my birds outside, taught a lot of lessons and really just had an overall good week. I love the heat of the sun and the restoration of cash to my wallet. Definitely bought some good food this week. 

Exchanges with Elder Farr

Elder Willis and his arm sling

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