Monday, June 17, 2019

2 People Came To Church

It was just another good ol week for maybe you and definitely me. The sun is shining and burning me, and I am content with it. We keep finding people, I keep making weird food, and blessings are left and right. Why do I write intros?

On the day when it was like 92 degrees, we got a call to mosy on over and help some people move. These people lived on the third floor of a complex. The moving truck blocked off the parking lot and so we couldn't have the truck near. It was parked across the lot on a hill. I thoroughly enjoyed prancing up and down the stairs and carrying things around. I have been working out like crazy, and so I can lift anything I want now without and fear of dropping and breaking it. I'd carry a ton of stuff down, drop it off, then run back up the stairs. I had to laugh to myself as I watched the older people working up a serious sweat and slowly walking up the stairs. I know I won't always be in this good shape, so I just had to take advantage of it. One hour later, the move was completed and almost everyone was dead. I just returned home and chugged some serious protein for the gainz.

One day, we were just slopping our way across the greasiest apartment complex this side of anywhere when Elder Willis got into the car. The car right next to us had some pretty neat dude who was fixing his car. I acted like I knew what I was talking about with car stuff, wished him luck, and peaced out. Before I got in the car, he told us to come visit some day. So we come visit some day and run into his Catholic brother who is fed up with his church. We talked about hunting, video games, food, and eventually the Plan of Salvation. He liked our view so much that he invited us back and belly flopped his way into our pool of investigators. He's a good ol guy.

In the same complex, we were just sliding our way around when we run into a lady with some serious cochlear implants, just like my parents. I struck up a conversation and a friendship with her a while ago. Her husband finally returned and answered the door one day like, "Who are you I hate you." Those weren't the exact words. But we told him we were her friends and he let us in. We had a good conversation, then set a return time. That time, we taught a bit of the Plan of Salvation and then shared a video of Jesus healing a blind man. They liked it so much that they became #2 and 3. Nice.

One day, I was just trolling through the depths of a ghetto trailer park when I saw some of my little kid friends. I instantly made friends with a new one named Maria. Then Micah came out... her friend says, "That's Micah. Maria HATES Micah." Then 6 year old Maria starts shouting "Shut up, Micah!" And it was all just so quick that I had a hard time not laughing my head off. He doesn't seem too bad to me, but. what can you do. Anyhow, I found out one of these, my young kids was the daughter of one of our other investigators. We mosy on over and ask if she can join the lessons too, and he agrees. So there's number 4! I then proceeded to play some serious 4 square and basketball with them, all the while Maria kept screaming at Micah and it was beautiful. 

That's it! I am not writing an outtro! BYE!

We helped out at a race and they printed out a picture for us

Getting rid of weeds

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