Monday, May 27, 2019

Sit Down, Satan

This week was a son of a gun for sure. It was one of the hardest weeks, I think. But it was also one of the most successful. The opposition and stuff was real! But who cares about my suffering. Let's gird our loins and get to business. 

I got to go to a baptism on Saturday. It was actually a double baptism, and one of the women was someone I helped teach last month or so. I was on exchanges and helped teach the lesson on the sabbath day which finally convinced her to come to church. I was really happy for her and I made sure to talk to her for a while afterwards. Another sweet person has joined the fold.

We went out on the grind pretty good this week. We cant use our car much and so our bikes were working overtime, riding us into heavily troubled waters. One day, we mosyed into the trailer park I've been waiting to go to for weeks. After a short time of walking, we hear "Mormons!" So we go talk to this lady. She was very excited to have us over. Boy she's a talker! We listened to quite a lot of stuff. We set a return appointment and had fellowship lined up to go, and then everyone cancelled on us. It was really rough, I kinda just sat in my chair slurping lemonade and dying while trying to find literally anyone, and no one could come. That really slays me inside when that happens, so I felt awfully sick. Eventually, a member from a ward 30 minutes away said "hi!" And I said, "come with us!" So we show up 25 minutes late and have a lesson on faith. We return two days later with a bunch of ladies because apparently that's legal now, and we have a lesson on church with her and her two daughters. All three came to church the next day. Yes! 

There's a good ol guy I've been trying to catch for weeks and I was ready to just label him as "unable to contact". We finally catch him on the final attempt! My man is a good catholic guy from Guam. After talking and sitting inside, we found out that his niece who was very dear to him committed suicide two years ago, so he has a shrine of sorts to her. We taught him all about the plan of salvation and that brought him some major relief, especially if you know the catholic beliefs. He had himself a good cry. We came back a couple days later which was pretty miraculous. We promised we would have someone and once again, no one would come with us. I started internally dying again. We ran into a member from another ward who is a high councilor, and so we begged him to come. He was more than happy to, and he brought his wife. We show up and my Guam man has his sister there, too! We taught about prayer because he believes that God doesn't answer prayers anymore. He cried again, and his sister was just dishing out the hugs. It was really good.

We got a referral to give some man a bible. He wasn't home, but the whole neighborhood knows him! They say he is covered in tattoos but is so kind. We caught him a couple days later in a whiff of weed smell. We hit it off instantly and learned of his awful last year, where his wife, mother and dog all died in the same 5 month period. We testified that his beliefs on everyone going to hell were wrong and that we know where they are. He is thrilled to have us back on Tuesday to teach the plan of salvation. That's quite the popular lesson, if you couldn't tell.

That's about all the goods for this week. We were very busy, and we got 6 new people. We altered a baptism date, taught plenty of lessons and fought through the hard. It seems like every single thing we did which was good was challenged by a legion of bad. One thing I learned from a video game is, if it's getting harder, you're going the right way. I've only got 3 months left, of course it's harder than ever before. This is the end of the game, and 3 days remain. They might say I cant save em all, but I'll show them they're wrong! THESE LOINS ARE GIRT! 

Just you and me, cat


At the Spokane Temple

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