Monday, May 13, 2019

The Field Is Ready to Harvest

Great things have been abounding lately. One of my favorites is the 80 degree weather we have been getting. Some of us are actually getting sunburnt! The people have been far more pleasant and there is a smile on just about everyone's face. It's been good. Also, I met Brad Wilcox and had a neat thing happen which I won't record here ;)

So the first order of business is an update on your boy, Nemo. That man has been fighting and has come out on top. Now that he has R.K.O'd death, he appears to be standing even taller and stronger. I'm so glad that my diligent efforts were able to keep him alive and well, along with all the prayers I've said. 

Elder Muhlestein is out of here, boys. Now I've got Elder Willis from Spanish Fork, and it's an amusing companionship. I think he's someone's dad, because he is always cracking the worst dad jokes of all time. It's been good. He knows his stuff as well as I'd expect someones who's been out for 5 months. He's also never had a companion who teaches like me. I teach in parables, by the way. So he has been trying to mimic me in lessons. My investigators, who I might add I am good friends with, sometimes simultaneously exchanges glances of "what the heck?" with me after a super far out thing. It's pretty great having relationships that good, that you can just mess around and still feel the spirit and do God's work. Elder Willis is doing grand and I'm loving it.

I got a call this week to come help a lady move into Spokane. She is someone who has been taught "on and on forever." She has accepted the invitation to be baptized and now it'll be soon. Boy oh boy was I surprised when I found out who it was. This woman was someone who I initially started teaching in Coeur d'Alene! Me and probably Elder Stuart are her first missionaries! I've taught her a good chunk of lessons and even had her come with us to teach a lesson to someone else. I disagree that shes been taught "forever", but I'm very excited that she will soon be baptized and that I will see the fruit of my effort.

Church this week was unheard of for my area and also very uncommon for others. We took our family with the agnostic guy on a church tour, so three of the four came to church. They had a good experience, too. Then in my other ward, two people came. That is the first time in well over a year that we got that many people to attend. The best part to me is that their kids loved it, so they'll keep dragging their parents to church. 

I guess my favorite thing I learned/reviewed is the power of teaching doctrine. At a complex, these two buddies pulled over in a truck to talk to us and make fun of Christ's church. Because they were humble enough to listen, we were able to dispel a lot of rumors, such as still having multiple wives and not celebrating holidays and only being saved if you're a Mormon and so on. They were very surprised but still had a joking manner about them. I threw on autopilot and just taught and testified to them, which really mellowed them out. We even finished off with a prayer for the passenger who recently got a DUI. Though we didn't pick them up as investigators, we have unlocked the door for missionaries later on to pick them up. And the best part about this is, you can do it, too. If you'll earnestly stand up for your religion and then testify of it's truth, you'll give someone else a good experience with the church which will soften their hearts and bring them 18 steps closer to accepting the true gospel of Jesus Christ.

My soccer coach, who I absolutely love, likes to forward the team's emails to the other players and families. I bet he will take an excerpt from that paragraph I just wrote ;) anyhow, this week is looking bright. The field outside is white and ready for us. Let's go reap it!

Behold, a cow

My group

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