Monday, May 20, 2019

Where Members Go When They Die

This week had a few extreme things. The wind is one of those extreme things. Reaching speeds of around 28 miles an hour, it was very difficult to ride our bikes. Let us all press on anyways! It was a good week nonetheless.

So that family that I talk about a lot is just doing so good and they are so kind and it's insane. They invited us to have dinner with them on Sunday, I couldn't believe it. Plus, the food was way good. It was a lot of fun to sit around a table with everyone without having to teach some massive lesson. They have been steadily progressing, and so we taught them the word of wisdom on Tuesday. On Sunday, we shared a video of A.J Edward's getting struck by lightning and getting a priesthood blessing, in prep for this Tuesday when we teach about priesthood. Since the Dad was the first to take the lessons, our plan is to baptize him as soon as he is ready so he can get the priesthood. About 3 weeks later, the rest of the family will be ready, so he will be able to baptize them instead of one of us. Muahaha. Dont tell them. Actually. They might find that out by reading this.. my blog is mentioned in Facebook if you go back far enough, and we just became Facebook friends. What can you do? Haha.

For a couple days, Elder Willis fell sick. It was a little boring, but it gave me plenty of time to catch up on come follow me and also study in 3rd Nephi. It's been good. Anyways, we had to clean the whole apartment real good when he recovered. That means we didn't have much cleaning to do today! Whoo. 

So we were having a really tough time finding literally any interested person this week. We stumbled upon over 10 people who have been inactive for years. Every time we thought we found a new person, it was just one of those bad boys. We've made friends with them all and will go back and help them return to church. It's just bothersome that there's no new people for us, because we have to report the new people we find, and I hate saying we didn't get anyone. We found like 7 people for the Spanish elders, but where are the English?? We went out and grinded through the intense wind, desperately searching for anyone. After like 3 hours of stumbling around and searching, we finally got someone! This man is going to come with his wife to church this week, and I was so glad we could find him yesterday. He's a good ol air force guy who just moved from Ohio or something. He looks promising.

We dont have much else to report this time around. We've just been teaching lessons and searching long and hard. It was good, and I'm really enjoying it. Oh, I also got my trunky papers this week. You fill those out so you can get your plane ticket home. Oh boy. 

Me and Elder Willis

Sunset in Spokane

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