Monday, February 4, 2019

Wind chill? Chill, wind!

You know, I don't think I even know. The week was there. It existed. The majority of Deer Park got sick and it made things a bit more difficult. It's pretty cold and no one goes outside, but what can you do?

So this week, we asked bishop to pray for a street for us to find people to teach. A lot of the time, we tract in very poor parts of town because those people are much more humble and willing to listen, but they tend to never keep commitments and become a burden, and we wanted to try and find some people who have their life in order. Bishop prays and he sends us off to a street I had already had my eye on for a while. We bring one of our ward missionaries and start slapping doors. The first couple didn't have anyone home, but eventually, someone finally opened up! It was my turn to talk.. but it went well! We taught about the great apostasy and set a return appointment, giving us a new investigator instantly! Nice! Another person further down the road had extremely icy steps which could easily be taken care of. After they rejected us, I took the shovel and started fixing up the stairs. They came back out, all confused, like, "why are you doing this. I'm not going to listen." And I told the lady, "If you won't let us teach you about the Savior, I can at least serve you like the Savior would." 

Me and Elder Larsen both got sick this week. He got hit worse than me, so we were told to stay home for the day. It was nice. I got to study a bunch from the New Testament and watch videos of the Savior's life and stuff. I also whipped out a 1000 piece puzzle my uncle bought me for Christmas in 2017. It's mostly black or blue, and a lot of pieces seem to go together, but they don't. We can't even get the border done. However, it's been on the table for a few days now, and I'm enjoying seeing more progress be made on that monstrosity I thought I'd never do until I got home. 

There's not much to say this week. I guess I was able to bear testimony in church yesterday. I was fasting to strengthen my testimony and then realized that a great way would be to share. I stood up and shared Doctrine and Covenants section 100:5-6 which says that if you go up and have faith, God will tell you what to say. I then had the words come to my mouth again, teaching what I taught earlier in this email. I related to a different experience I had this week where an absolutely nasty woman bullied us and wouldn't let us share a scripture on service because it was from the Book of Mormon. (Mosiah 2:17) We may not have been able to teach her anything from our words, but we were able to shovel her entire driveway and taught by our actions. 

If we love Christ, we will search for the heavy hands and try to lift them up. Whenever we have done anything to lighten anyone's burden, we've also pulled it off the back of our Savior. I may be hated among men for the name which I have taken upon myself, but I'll be loved forever by the God who made all because of it. They may forget me, but He never will. After all, He left the scars in His hands just for me. (And you, of course.) The church is true. Jet fuel can melt steel beams. Oh yeah, we also threw another guy on date for baptism March 23rd. 

At my Grandma's favorite store

Happy Holidays

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