Monday, February 25, 2019

Go Home, Elder Ruth. Take A Nap.

Oh hey everybody, it's me.

So this week, I got to go to the air force base. It really wasn't what I expected, not going to lie. We didn't have to turn in our phones, there wasn't cameras everywhere, there wasn't tons of people running all the time, and it almost just seemed like a gated community. We aren't allowed to just shimmy around which I thought was so sad. If we look like we don't belong, military police will inspect and then probably kick us out. We can only get in if someone else "sponsors" us on. So we got sponsored on and went straight to the 'thrift store we volunteer at. This thrift store was basically just a normal Joe place! There's no sweet knives everywhere, just a bunch of clothes and books and stuff. I was a bit disappointed at first, until I learned something important. They have just tons of sweet combat boots because the air force needs them to be in basically perfect condition. They have so many of these pairs which hardly have anything wrong with them that they just send most of them away to goodwill or something. Because of that, they allowed me to take a pair. I'm now the proud owner of a sweet pair of boots! These bad boys are nigh invincible. Not only do they look great, they are incredibly powerful. I barely tapped a very large brick of ice and the entire thing hit the ground hardcore. If it was in a normal pair of shoes, it would have really hurt. There is only one problem. I later found out that they are actually girl boots.. but it seems that there is no difference, so we're good! 

Aside from turning 20, I guess there really isn't much to talk about in terms of work. The mission nurse asked me to go see a doctor about getting some medicine. Let me tell you, I planted a heck of a seed in my doctors heart. However, this doctor listened to my story of sleep struggles and kind of sat in awe. She then asked me a couple questions which kind of hurt a bit. She asked if I had a hard time concentrating and remembering, and if I've done any dumb things while I've had these struggles. She explained that the reason I said yes to all of this is because of my sleep problems. I'm supposedly being very handicapped because of these things. My judgement isn't as good as it could and my focus and memory would be much better if I slept like a normal person. I told her that God's grace was carrying me and that despite my weakness, I was still able to go out and do amazing things. She said that even though I'm doing all this good stuff, I'm struggling for no reason and I could be so much more powerful. She then said I can't be the one my companion needs and the one my people need if I can't be the one that I need. After prescribing some medicine that is only somewhat working, she commanded me to take a three day break from work, even though I told her that I don't have a job. It made me feel really down to have her say the things she said, but I do know it's true. I just know that as long as I can do at least a little bit of good, then I'm doing the right thing. 

So I've just been home for half of the week, chilling out and napping. I've been doing 3-4 hours of naps a day, and its rather interesting to feel life come back to me. I've been kind of dead inside for so long, I'd forgotten what it was like to have energy that stays for more than a few minutes. Now I feel much more alert and hyper even. This must be what it feels like to be normal. I'll be returning back to missionary work this evening, and I'm curious to see just how well I'll fare in a reawakened state. Not that I'm totally back to normal or anything, I'm just a bit better off now. 

So anyways, that brings something to my mind that I've thought about a lot in my bounteous free time. There is a scripture that in my language says, "go to school and work, but don't ignore the important stuff while in the process." All throughout my life, I've heard people say, "I'm just too busy." I see it in my missionary work, I saw it when I was at work as a lifeguard or burger flipper, and I've seen it amongst family and friends. Work and college and this and that is really important, but we shouldn't let it own our life. The relationship we have with our family is far more important than any job or any class ever will be. I'm not saying we should quit our job or college, but I am saying we should make time. Our parents won't live forever. Our friends might not always stick around. Our pets will only live a fraction of our lives. To put it in a proverb, "too much of a virtue is a vice". Work work work, but don't let your work take you over. No meeting or class or job is or ever will be more important than a person to be loved. (Or pet. I love you, Miley and Athena!) 

So that's about it for this week. I'm about to slap that pavement and wrought miracles with my companion. We'll hear all about it next Monday. Gird up your loins, boys, we're going on an adventure.

My Boots

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