Monday, February 18, 2019

Exodus to Airway Heights

Man, I've been kicked out of Deer Park. I thought I might stay longer since I did 9 months of Coeur d'Alene, but God's got some other things up His sleeve for me. I said some difficult goodbyes, packed up my stuff and headed out. Now I'm in a quiet two man apartment and things just aren't quite the same anymore. 

So anyways, having not entered a previously inhabited apartment since February of 2018, I had forgotten how disgusting other missionaries can be. Normally, we would have hit the ground running, however, this was not a normally kind of situation. The new apartment smelled pretty bad and had trash all over the place. Moldy bread was huddling for warmth in a corner, food from 2016 sook shelter in the fridge, and a couple bags of overflowing garbage were trying to gang up so they could overpower me. I dropped my bags off on my bed and got to work, punching and head locking and using all means fair and dishonorable to establish dominance and evict the scoundrel demons which had entered the bodies of garbage. Three trips were made to the dumpster in the first 10 minutes of my public ministry of Airway Heights. It took a bit more than two hours before the front room was completed. Then I slopped myself into the kitchen and punched the grease monster in the jugular, disabling it long enough for me to administer a killing blow and drag its body to the depths. 95% of the contents of the fridge were instantly banished to the dumpster, along with the snarling bread and its friend, the brown canned soup given to missionaries in the year 2014. I suppose there's not much reason to narrate the rest of my apartment liberation, but let it be known, our apartment is now acceptable, boys!

When I was still at home, I noticed an odd phenomenon. It seemed that my dad would visit Walmart about twice a day, every day. What was even scarier to me was, if you went without him, you'd just run into him in the store! It was so odd to me that I've affectionately named going to Walmart, "Pulling a Paul Ruth." Anyways, one of the blessing of this new area is that we have a Walmart! It was a relief to return to the land of my father's inheritance. I couldn't believe it, as I walked through the brightly lit aisles of this amazing store. It seemed as if everything I bought here was 2-3 dollars cheaper than it was at Yokes--our only grocery store of Deer Park! I couldn't help but let a big ol smile line my face as I traversed around, grabbing the goods, living the dream and feeling like a rich man. I got carried away, I suppose, having walked out of there with $68 worth of groceries, the most I've ever spent on food. Anyhow, we needed it, since the fridge was just about bare. Speaking of food, the members here hate us :( they dont feed us. I shook my head in annoyance and strapped on my leather apron, prepared to whip up a storm. In a matter of 25 minutes, I had crafted a meal I named while still at home, "noodle surprise", and it was one of the best tasting things I had had in quite some time. 

In a leadership council meeting, I was surprised to find out that the wards I'm now serving in are the worst wards in terms of missionary work in the whole zone. This was something I simply couldn't accept. I started following Elder Muhlstein around in the knee deep snow (because these clowns in Airway Heights dont shovel the sidewalks) and trying to find people to teach. We got rejected a few times and then even received some texts from our lessons that day that they would be cancelled. Not sure what we had done to merit such rough luck, especially since a semi truck just hit us with a tidal wave of slush. I wiped the muddy bits of ice from my face and pulled us to a side road to recuperate. I didnt have access to the area book yet, so I borrowed my companions phone and felt very strongly about going to a former investigators home. He wasn't home, but his 30 year old daughter was. We had quite the conversation while sipping the coconut water she graciously bestowed upon us. She then decided she liked us enough that she would want us to come back and teach her even more gospel stuff on Thursday, and she'd make sure her dad would be there, too! That made me pretty excited. That was just one thing which will be followed by many more that will lead to our area not being the worst.

That about sums up the stuff for this week. I'm not quite in Spokane as I was afraid of. I actually have an Air force base in my area, and a lot of people in this town work there. I haven't interacted with it yet, but I'm sure I'll have the spicy details on that next week. Anyways, this'll be a good week. It's my birthday on Wednesday the 20th, so I'm totally making myself a cake. Since my love of cake is so great, I probably won't share it, just like the one Sister Bird made me the other week... ehehe

The Awesome Bird Family

Bye Ping Pong Gang

It's Elder Herem again!

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