Monday, March 4, 2019

Do It, You Won't -- The Spirit

Someone's grandma somewhere in Utah is nonstop praying to God, asking for Him to bless us with "moisture". If you're the grandma who is responsible for this snow, stop. Washington just had the most snowfall in February since the 1800's, and that's just wrong.

So anyways, we went out slopping along the powder covered streets of Airway Heights in search for anyone to listen to us. The people here are definitely more hard-hearted than those in Deer Park and Coeur d' Alene. I suppose they are almost equal to Spokane. Despite the odds, we are having more success than I did in my young age there. In order for someone to count as an investigator, they need to be taught a principle, left a commitment and have a return appointment scheduled. We found three new people this week to teach, along with some others with serious potential. Unfortunately, two of them no showed us! So they lost their investigator status and we now just have one new person. Oh well! We're still working hard and trying to make a difference. The ward is starting to trust us more, too. It was pretty fun just dishing out assignments for auxiliary members to achieve. It's not every day I can tell full blown adults what I need them to do! 

So anyways, it is just bitter freezing cold. It's usually around 20 degrees or so in the day. However, the winds have been super active lately, just wrecking havoc on me and Elder Muhlstein. You know the saying, "If you're cold, they're cold too! Let them in and warm them up."? The non members don't believe in that. Anyways, we had a lunch appointment that was about three miles away. We decided that we would walk all the way there and street contact and tract while we are at it. About two miles in, our lunch appointment actually found us in their car and pulled over. "Sorry Elders, we have to cancel on you." Then they drove away. Cancelling on us has been extremely popular lately.. bleh!! So Elder Muhlstein asked if we should just keep going anyways or if we should turn around, get the car and do something else. The spirit got in my grill and said, "you might as well keep going." I grumbled and we proceeded. After about 10 steps, I found a semi sweet pocket knife on the ground. Instant blessings! Haha. Well, we continued and knocked a few doors just tried to do what seemed like what we needed to. We found no apparent success. When we were walking back, I was exceptionally hungry since I hadn't really been eating lately. A member stops us right next to McDonald's and hands us a fresh Andrew Jackson, telling us to go get some lunch. It certainly wasn't an easy morning, but it was nice to see blessings like these two after we tried to follow the spirit. 

Speaking of following the spirit, we were told to go to a house by some member, so we shimmied on down at like 8:20. It looked like all of the lights were off. I've never wanted to knock or tract at night time unless I knew for sure they were awake. Again, my companion asked if we should still go. (He kinda just does whatever I do.) I stared at the house and the spirit goes, "just do it. Nothing bad will happen." So I sighed and we got out and knocked. Ol Grandma Jenkins opens up and was very happy to see us. We got invited right in and spent the next little while, listening to the story of her family and this and that and all manner of random stuff. Though she was a member, she didn't know where the church was because she was visiting. I didn't quite understand why we needed to go at first, but then I remembered that some people just need to know that someone cares about them. I love seeing those I care about notice me, so it must've been a good thing for her. I guess that my reading of the New Testament rings true, where it says God knows every bird that lands on the ground, yet we are more important to Him than the birds. He sent us on over to minister to one of his precious daughters by just spending time with her. Alright, I'll take it. 

I went on exchanges to the land I despise more than all. Downtown Spokane, the pit of despair. A large part of it is seriously named by all of the people around here "felony flats". I was extremely nervous to be back, but things ended up alright. I got to teach three lessons, which was awesome since I've only taught one real lesson in my area. I got to give granola bars to homeless people, see a huge wagon other missionaries all have pictures with, and kind of just experience Spokane in a different light. It was just so cold, all of the crazies were inside. Well, most of em. One guy informed me he cured his AIDS by smoking weed... The usually crowded city was empty, and it was so good to be in it by ourselves. We were even able to pick up a new investigator in their ward there. Sweet! Then at the end of the night, I weirded out the other elders by cooking up one of my personal favorites, cinnamon chicken. Don't bash it till you try it.

So things are going kind of alright. They are progressively getting better. I wanted to reward myself for some serious work, so I whipped out an expensive filet mignon that I got and cooked up some serious rice. When I was just about to throw that steak on, some members called us over to have dinner with them! What luck! (And unluck. But mostly luck.) To make it better, they lived on the air force base and so I got to go over again. I've got such a fascination with it because of the people inside I want to teach. I've been trying to come up with legal ideas to spread the gospel within. If anyone has any ideas, let me know! 

Anyways, this week had a lot of things in it that you could call "bad." But God is mindful of every people, and that means He was mindful of me, too. The good outweighed the bad, and it was great. I'm not having an easy time here, but I do know I've got some serious ministering Angel's in the form of wonderful people here. 

I finally got new shoelaces because these guys just couldn't hold on any longer

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