Monday, August 20, 2018

Brett Will Be Missed

So probably the most important part of our entire world is the presence of divine beings. There are heavenly hosts who guide and direct us. There are hellish hosts which do everything they can to drag us to the depths. Using the proper faith and authority, one can call upon the divine beings to alter the world in their favor. The world as I knew it last week was on fire, blasting smoke across the earth. I firmly believe that some of the strongest prayers escape the lips of righteous mother's and Sister missionaries. I don't know about my mother, but I do know that many of the sister missionaries were praying for the rains to grace the earth, eradicating the air of smoke. It was truly a sight for sore eyes to once again spot the mountains of Coeur d'Alene. But then the fire nation attacked and everything's on fire again, the smoke is back, and we are banned from outdoor activities. Argh.

Speaking of outdoor activities, my current favorite activity is to ride my bike. I've never had a brand new bike all to myself outside of a monkey bike and then potentially various toddler bikes, so coming on a mission and receiving one was a big deal to me. I rode it all over the place in Spokane, and now we're averaging around 15 miles a day everyday. We did hit a 25 mile ride one day. That day is the one in particular I wish to speak of. 

It was a smoky day and we were riding bikes. We dropped them off in a safe area while we knocked a few doors. On our way back, I found a turkey feather, since it's not uncommon to see a pack crossing the street. I picked it up and starting conducting a choir. I then spotted a bug I had never seen before. It was completely foreign to me. After prodding it for a while, it climbed aboard my feather and grasped the whispy fibers. We returned to the bikes and I decided that I wanted to bring it along. My hand cramped a bit, but I was able to ride while carrying him on the feather. He held firmly to the gospel, er, the feather, and so I had him for a while. I decided to name him Brett. Brett seemed to really enjoy the wind flowing through his antenna's. Every time we stopped riding, I carried him to a doorstep and held the feather behind me. We'd have a good ol conversation, then move on to the next place. Two hours passed and I still had Brett. One of the people didn't like Brett, so I had to leave him outside with my bike. I was scared of my little buddy getting kidnapped by a bird, but we shared our lesson and returned outside. My faithful Brett remained on his feather! We rode around town for quite a while longer, spreading the good news. He was with me for probably 15 miles! Then, one fateful moment, he let go of one of his hands so that he could itch his face. Brothers and sisters, my man Brett let go of the iron rod, and the temptations of the world were too strong. He fell from the feather to the depths, and no amount of my screaming in despair could ever bring him back. Goodbye... Brett... 

One of the people I had the opportunity to work with is getting baptized this week. It's one of those really sweet people to me. The story goes, it was a cold winter day. The skies were dark, we didn't have people to work with, no one answered the door, and if they did, they were angry. Winter is hard enough on me already, so I told my companion (Elder Stuart I think) that I couldn't keep doing this. We stopped work outside of the next persons house we were going to knock and opened up our area book, scanning through old people missionaries worked with in the past. Too much rejection had happened, and if someone was going to reject us again, it'd be easier if it was over phone than if I could see their face. The first person we called was overjoyed to have been called, so we set something up for like 30 minutes from then and visited her with a member. She was dropped in the past for supposedly not progressing, and it broke her heart to have the missionaries leave. We got in and bore some serious testimony and started with the lessons again. She progressed great and was doing amazing. Sister missionaries swooped in and took her away, then put her on date shortly after. Now, I get to be present for the baptism of this wonderful person, and I'll have the opportunity to give her the gift of the holy ghost. It has been fantastic to get to know such a great person.

We also regained an investigator. I am so glad to have her back. Things weren't working out in the YSA ward, so she's going to keep coming in the family ward. I may have said this already? But the reason I am so proud of this particular individual is that its the only investigator I have singlehandedly received. I was on splits with the ward mission leader, and when we arrived to do his ministering to his member friend, she was there, too. I was asked to share a message, and so I shared a message about the Book of Mormon, committed her to read, then set a return appointment. It was a cool feeling. Though the holy ghost is the real MVP here, It was still cool. 

After lots of quick practice sessions, I had the privilege to perform some sweet music in sacrament meeting. I enjoy doing so because music is a form of testimony and brings the spirit better than I can with my mouth. Well. Despite messing up a few times, I had many people come up express appreciation for the music. Throughout the day, people found me and talked to me about it. I was even surprised to see some of my old investigators from the sister's ward attend. However, the most surprising thing happened when I was in priesthood meeting waiting for it to start. The first counselor of the bishopric extended his hand for me to shake. Well, once this man for hold of my hand, he literally yanked me to my feet and into an unexpected bro-hug. I didn't know what to do, I was too surprised. He whispered in my ear, telling me I was an inspiration and he told his four kids that they need to keep practicing so that they can play like me. It was such a compliment it almost made the pain in my arm go away.

That's just about all the things I can remember for now. I kinda haven't written in my journal for like 4 weeks, so ;) talk to you guys later.

Look, Ma!

Hanging with Elder Stewart

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