Monday, June 18, 2018

The Meat Mountain

I don't know what Idaho thinks it's doing right now, but it's returning back to winter and I'm not pleased. I saw this man the other day doing a pretty fancy dance. He must've placed a curse on Coeur d'Alene.

We were out doing service for a part member family one day. It's a lot of fun. They neglected raking in the fall and there's just a ton of stuff in the backyard, so whenever I lift something up, I discover new specimens. I've found a lot of crazy huge slugs never before seen by man. New spiders are being visited by death administered by me. Crazy moths are welcomed by Mr. Sun and no man knoweth what half of these bugs even are. The man of this family loves fishing, and he usually brings home plenty for the family. What they don't eat is put in a vacuum bag and frozen. The woman decided that some fish would be perfect to put in the garden. I watched in curiosity as she cracked some eggs and poured them in the ground. Then she pulled out a large bag of fish. That's when things got intense.

"Valerie, no!!" The man cried. His mustache flopped back into place and his thick eyebrows lifted, revealing his terrified face."
"Gil, these fish have been in the freezer since 2013! You won't miss them!" She rebuked while pulling a pair of scissors from her pocket. The thin blades gripped the bag and began to tear it apart.
"Stop, don't do it!" He desperately called while shuffling over to her. But it was too late. A fish had fallen into the hole with a fatal thud. A second fish fell into the next hole. Each one which departed from the bag dropped his moral until he was a broken man. The woman pushed some dirt over the fish, barely leaving any of its cold scales in sight.
The man was now fallen to the ground. I put an arm on his shoulder. "Yeah. I don't like shake and bake that much, either."

So anyways, the week was pretty swell, despite needing to bust out the thermals twice. We found a new investigator and have two more people ready to meet with us who seem very solid. There was one lesson we were teaching that a lady was just blown away by. She told me that after I testified, I started to glow and kept glowing. After a few more minutes, my companion glowed with me. That was pretty neat.

One of my best friends back at home introduced me into a legendary sandwich called the meat mountain. One day, we were too hungry to eat mortal food, so we pulled up to the drive through of Arbys. She asked what she could get for me.
"Yes, I'd like the meat mountain."
"Mmmmhmmm, the meat mountain."
"One second... ok, my manager just told me what that is. I don't think you want that."
"I'd like the meat mountain, please."
"Okkkkk, but I warned you."
Anyways, that meat mountain didn't stand a chance against me. It wasn't a difficult challenge at all. 

I've decided I have a new favorite investigator. He had a stroke and some other problems so he has some serious memory issues. I was a special needs youth counselor back at home, and so this is perfect! It wasn't easy at first, but we've been working hard as we can to help him. We got him a notebook and we help him take notes to help him remember. He was even given a blessing which promised him the gradual return of his memory and I've seen it manifest in him. He can't normally remember what he had for breakfast, but he was able to tell us about his entire day! It is so wonderful to see him every time, and he's made it to church three weeks in a row now. I'm glad to have the chance to work with him. 

Winco is a store I wasn't familiar with back at home. You can buy food in bulk and get it rather cheaply. I was told oatmeal is good for you. I guess I got a little carried away because I own 6 pounds of oatmeal now. Whups. 

So that's just about it for this week! The church is true and Jesus loves you ;)

A young man joined us on a visit

The Meat Mountain

Thanks Mom for new socks!

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