Monday, February 19, 2018

Say the Prayer, Elder

The snow came down and the taxes went up. It snowed badly thrice this week. We had one day where we were overwhelmed with shoveling for old people. We did it the entire day, and it was brutal. Muscles level up. 

There's a trend going on that I'm not a fan of. It's "Ask Elder Ruth to say the prayer." I don't mind praying, but it's every prayer opportunity there is. I said it at every dinner appointment and lesson we had this week. I even said the opening prayer in priesthood meeting at church, and was then called on to give the closing at the end. They then realized and called someone else. Sometimes people ask us to pray on the streets. I said all those, too. What's going on.

We needed to mop at a food bank, but all the sinks used for filling buckets were taken. I remembered a life hack and put a dust pan into the sink. It funneled to the handle and then dropped down the handle to the bucket on the floor. Sweet.

There was no shortage of singles jokes directed towards us as missionaries on Valentine's day.

I was surprised to see a Pleasant Grove Vikings sticker from 1953 on someone's house. I would've taken a picture if we didn't get distracted immediately by an urgent phone call.

One day, we had three back to back lessons. It was really satisfying to do all those teaching appointments. A good day for pretty much all missionaries in this mission is one lesson a day. All three lessons went pretty well. We even received two new investigators this week. I had a lot of fun with one of them, a 10 year old who loves video games. Teaching kids is way more fun than adults. Anyways, I hope more days can be like that one. It's tough hearing about other missionaries in foreign places get 10 new investigators a week and 5 lessons a day, but it's alright. 

Elder Warnick knocked me out on accident. One missionary gave me a diffuser with lavender in it to help me sleep because I'm terrible at that. While I was saying my prayer, Elder Warnick excitedly got the diffuser and got to work. The only problem is, he's not familiar with how they work. He didn't put enough water in it, and he put far too much lavender. 5-7 drops of oil is easily enough. He said he lost count around 12. I started praying around 10:15, and I woke up at 11:10, still kneeling at my bed. He told me the next day he didn't realize I was asleep until I started snoring loudly. What an adventure.

That's all I have. I challenge you to go read the scriptures and learn something new. 

Tag picture for Mom


I'm learning how to play it!

Come out of the cold, kitty.

Fold tons of boxes for a free pizza

And yesterday it was 50 degrees!

Snowy Trees

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