Monday, February 26, 2018

My Week

This week was pretty great, despite the weather. It snowed a lot, but it also rained a lot, too. The snow was eradicated, and it was usually cold. Never knew what we'd have to deal with each day. 

I was so grateful for all the birthday wishes. I am 19 now! I feel the same. But I appreciate all you wishing me a happy birthday, it was really good. Someone even brought me a cake! [a missionary mom that Lori found.  She is the sweetest!]  Thanks everyone:)

We brought a member who had been having tons of family struggles to Stake Conference. Every single talk seemed to speak directly to him. It made me so happy to see Christ's light in him. He is ready to change things around and become the father he knows he can be. 

For some service this week, a DI center had us breaking a bunch of ice in the parking lot. They had a large tool to destroy the ice, along with a garden hoe and something else. I absolutely destroyed that garden hoe, and another one of us broke the other tool. We used the last remaining tool to just demolish all the ice. We weren't in trouble at all for those breaking, thank goodness. We then unloaded 88 heavy boxes assembly line style out of a semi truck. That was exhausting! I kept thinking to myself, "give me strength, because I've never broken the word of wisdom! 

I can't wait to share a story about a rubiks cube I got for my birthday. I will share it next week, after I share it during fast and testimony meeting. 

We just had miracle after miracle this week. We got a new investigator, pulled an old one out of the woodwork, and helped tons of people. I felt like an instrument in the hands of the Lord. It was an amazing week. I'm so glad to be here in Idaho. (Never thought I'd say that :'D) 
That's all I have for this week!

My birthday cake that a Missionary Momma made for me!

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