Monday, February 12, 2018

A Good Lesson

I wanted to start off my email with the subject line. When you enter the Spokane mission, they have you take a personality test, the color codes! My result is something like 13 white 12 blue 12 yellow and 6 red. In the past, I have almost never been able to get along with a red person. Somehow we always end up angry with each other. There is a sister missionary in my area who is notoriously red. Whenever I heard her name, people always said that she was red. I met her and was extremely nervous around her. I spent the rest of the day dreaming up scenarios where she would get angry with me, and I kept thinking to myself, "what is the problem with her?" I then saw her a few more times and nothing bad happened. I became more and more of a friend to her, but I kept thinking to myself, "what is the problem?" I eventually got to pondering about the topic and had a thought come to mind. Though nothing had happened between us, I realized that I was the problem. We are not defined by our colors. Once I was able to see this, things became great and we are now happily friends.

I've been having a pretty good time in Idaho. Even though it's usually 20 degrees and it's dark and cloudy, it's been real good. One of my favorite things is working at a donation center. We did the clothes sorting, and it's a ton of fun. There isn't always clothes in these bags we take out. I've found many marvelous items such as knives, dolls, change, jewelry, and much more. That being said, it IS clothes donations, so I've found a lot of clothes that I wouldn't want to be seen with. Nevertheless, it's a ton of fun seeing all this cool stuff and being grossed out by the nasty stuff. I almost impaled my foot when I opened one bag. A bunch of knives slipped out of a terribly made sheath within the bag. I grabbed the one that fell by the handle just inches from my foot. So anyways, most of the volunteers there are actually people who have committed some bad crimes, and so they have to be. They were baffled when they asked why we were here. We do service to help others as representatives of Christ. They seemed to light up when they heard. We can't exactly teach about Jesus as we sort clothes, but we can share our spirit!

I've learned not to trust other people's judgement. What was said to be a short walk ended up 5.5 miles round trip. That was a mess. 

We got a new investigator for one of the wards I serve in. Proud to say that it is that wards first new investigator in three months! We also taught a lesson to a man on date to be baptized in March. I learned a lot from that lesson! We sat around for most of it just listening. It was really great getting to hear his spiritual insights. 

A lot of things were not great, but a lot also was great. This week was good and I learned lots about myself and the gospel. I hope I can better express what I learn in the future! Also, our apartment is now clean! Thank goodness. Have a great week everyone. And email me back if you want. I will respond to you. But on Monday.

My collection thus far

Creepy Gingerbread Man

Found a ripped dollar

My car!

Got locked out of the apt

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