Monday, November 20, 2017

Semi Normal Week

I am aware that most missionaries have withdrawal issues when they come out. I just didn't expect my withdrawal to be music. I am really struggling, not being able to play on my violin or piano. When I do get to play piano, I can't play the music that I want to because it is not a church song. I'll be alright with church music for now, I suppose. I even played the piano for the primary in sacrament meeting today. They sang I Know My Heavenly Father Loves Me.

We brought the Wine lady to a members home to have family home evening on Monday. She actually loved it and wants to come back to it every week. Speaking of Wine Lady, we had an appointment with her on Friday. She no showed us. She is an EMT, and we found out that she was in the passenger seat of an AMR vehicle, and it tipped on a turn. She is a bit bruised, but shes ok. She is still doing alright, and loves having us over. She came over one night and gave us some hot chocolate.

We got three new investigators this week! One of them is this fantastic African guy. He is so much fun to be around, and his laugh is contagious. We were going to teach him yesterday, but he wasn't even in Washington.. That was odd.

We found many people throughout the week who would love to learn more. Unfortunately for us, the majority of them happen to live in other areas. We handed plenty of people over. 

At the end of one of the nights, I was feeling a bit grumpy. The sister missionaries are in a four person apartment across the way, and two of them came to our door at like 9, particularly scared. They said that someone was in their apartment because they were being stalked the other day. Elder Stewart grabbed a banana to rumble, and I just brought my fists, because I knew that my grumpiness granted me extra strength to throw down. We entered the sisters apartment while they waited outside. I started opening closets and stuff, and then I heard girls screaming. Elder Stewart found two other sisters hiding in a closet and immediately threw the banana at them. We then hurried out of the apartment because of missionary rules. 

That's enough excitement for one week. Or not really. See ya guys!

Rock a bye baby

Got music?

Why don't you have cash on you, Elder? The truth is priceless!

Elder Stewart and Elder Ruth at the bike shop

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