Monday, November 13, 2017

Call The Cops

Our investigator, the wine lady is doing great! She kinda disappeared for a while and no one had any contact with her. She was just taking a spiritual break in order to ponder and see if this is what she really needs to do. She decided that it is, and she is moving onward! We are probably going to bump up her baptism date. 

We went to teach her the Word of Wisdom this week. After a really great lesson, she informed us that she found out about the Word of Wisdom, and then proceeded to drop all issues related to it. She had been entirely clean for five days before we even had the lesson! That's pretty odd, but hey! She's doing great!

I have a golf ball that I am very fond of. We call it the Tightelist. We make stories about how it is some grand thing that can be used to summon people. One day, I put it in my glove, and was curious if I could use it like that. I went to the closest door and knocked away. A 60 year old man who served a full mission answered the door. He was so happy to see us! He hasn't been to church in 30 years because his wife isn't religious. He talked to her and she told him to come, and so he came to church and sat with us. He took the sacrament for the first time in 30 years. Miracles, eh

We volunteered at a library one time, and the library hosted a dinner to thank all of the volunteers at St Mary's Catholic School. The mission office missionaries really wanted us to come, and so we did. At the dinner, there was a large raffle, and me and my companion both won something! He won a gift card to a restaurant that is out of our area. He gave it to the guy who drove us all the way over. I won a large basket, full of tons and tons of tea. I really wanted to take it to a pond and pour some in, just like the founding fathers, but another man really wanted the tea for his daughter, so I allowed him to take it. What a night.
I am pretty amused by the fact that the prize I really won was a basket full of lotion and other random things, but when they saw that it was a guy who won, they switched it for tea.

And now, time for the cops! So, we were walking around a shady neighborhood, minding our own business when we saw some 17 year old guy from Russia hanging out in his shorts and a tank top. Its way too cold for that! We went to talk to him, and he was really enjoying our conversation. He stayed on his side of the chain link fence as we talked. Suddenly, he started shaking and got really weird, then fell onto the fence and continued shaking. My companion was very concerned that the man had just become possessed by an evil spirit. I was like, "Well.. thats unfortunate.. But don't worry, he's fine. It's just a seizure. Go ahead and call the ambulance over." I then squatted down and made sure that he was still breathing and stuff. He never lost a pulse or choked, so we just waited until help came. The guy's neighbor has security cameras which caught the situation, and he didn't know what happened, and so he called the cops on us, thinking we killed his neighbor or something. But things cleared up very quickly when the video was shown, and so we were allowed to leave.

So that's just a few of the crazy things that occurred this week. You guys all have a fantastic week. Remember all of your wonderful blessings, because they are greater than you think. 

Check out that balance

Is this an awesome bike or what?

Birdie on my shoulder 
Poptart in a pan.  Betcha you never thought of this.

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