Sunday, September 3, 2017

Pre-Mission Details

Hey, everyone! I'll be leaving in a few days to the MTC. September 6 is the start date of my Quest. This is definitely the biggest Side Quest that I have taken on in my life, but I hear that the rewards from completion are pretty great, so we'll see how this goes. If I level up enough in the MTC, things should go smoothly when I arrive on mission grounds.

Due to some of the quest's restrictions, I won't have access to this blog, so I've given all posting privileges to my Mom. Hopefully you'll enjoy the blog. It'll contain the letter I send out each week, other stories not in the letter, pictures I took and drew, and more. I'll talk to you guys again once I level up!

If you have any questions for me or just want to talk, you can leave a comment, or you can email me directly at

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