Saturday, September 23, 2017


Do you guys remember last weeks email where I talked about that really difficult investigator who only wants facts? We taught her an extremely powerful lesson this week. She cried when I told her the story of when I got that priesthood blessing. She was ready to listen to everything we had to say, and she be became very serious in her desire to join the church. She believes in Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon and the power of the priesthood and the spirit. She will be baptized very soon!

I had two more investigators this week. One is an old man whose entire family is dead. He has attended nine other churches, but this one makes him feel great. He even attended the Provo open house temple three times. The third time, it had been dedicated, so he was devastated that he couldn't get in. We taught him all about eternal families and sealing and the temple. On my second lesson, I even invited him to be baptized. He's absolutely ecstatic. He thought you could only be in the church if you were born into it. He's had dreams where his family tells him that they accepted the gospel, so they want him to listen to the missionaries and do their family history work. He is a man who was prepared to receive the gospel, and I loved him.

The other guy is a very quiet college student. The first meeting was miserable because he wouldn't talk. The second was in the restoration. He told us towards the end that he prays a lot and rarely feels like god is even listening. The third lesson, I released the Kraken. He got me talking about why we have word of wisdom and chastity. Then, I gave a powerful lesson on Jesus Christ, the atonement, and repentance. He was deeply moved because I had the spirit helping me every step of the way. He is well on his way to joining the church after living many years in confusion.

My watch which was dead for a week because of the water started ticking again on Thursday. What a trooper!! Mah boi

We are singing "A Child's Prayer" as our going away song on Sunday. I drew a picture because that song is very significant to me. When I was 14, I sat in front of the temple crying, because I prayed and prayed while thinking that song and it seemed like God completely ignored it. Because of that experience, I attribute my unshakable faith to the church. I know how it feels to live without God, so when I was able to feel his love later, I never wanted to live without it again.

I wanted to share a message of encouragement. Jesus was not exempt from temptation. Though He never sinned, I am sure that some things were hard for Him to do. He was reluctant at first to take on the sins of everyone in the world at the garden. Nevertheless, He did it because he loved you. It was impossible for man to do. If he wasn't the son of God, he couldn't have endured it. He took every pain, sorrow, and sin upon himself because He loved you.

While fasting for 40 days, Satan got up in Jesus's face. He said to him, in my words, "Jesus. If you really are the son of a God. Prove it. Turn that rock into bread, then save yourself." The bread wasn't the temptation. The temptation was to show that Jesus was more than human. Later, he is taken to a temple spire. I'm sure many people were watching. Again. "Jesus, now is the perfect time. If you REALLY are the son of a God, jump from the temple. Angels will catch you. Everyone will see it, and they will love and worship you, calling you a God." It must have been tempting, because he might've been able to convert many people from them seeing such a miracle, but Jesus refused to tempt God. Lastly, he was nailed to the cross, in terrible pain in front of those he loved. He asked to have his mother taken care of. He forgave the sins of those around him. They were all crying, "Please, Jesus! We love you! You are the Son of God. Take yourself down from there, end your suffering!" But Jesus refused. He endured all, and it was because He loves and knows you personally. Never forget that Jesus loves you. Anything you have done can be forgiven. Jesus didn't suffer for most of the sins of man. He suffered for ALL of the sins of man, and I promise that if you repent, you can be forgiven.

Boy:  Heavenly Father?  Are you really there?  Do you hear every child's prayer?
Missionary:  Pray!  He is there.  Speak!  He is listening.  

Haircut!  Where did my hair go?
Here I am with the shortest hair ever!

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