Saturday, September 16, 2017

Living On A Prayer (or hundreds of them)

I guess I kinda thought that since I was at the MTC, and they would
honor the "day of rest". Instead, we had class after class after
class. I was so tired from previous days and my inability to sleep
(which only strikes at night 😫) that I fell asleep through an entire
class. It was just on the first 15 pages of the missionary handbook
which I had read through all the way prior, so I didn't feel bad. Did
you know that there is a Meet the Mormons two? I didn't. But it's good

Monday was pretty rough. I became really sick. I was constantly
coughing and sneezing and trying to breathe. I also had a huge
headache. I plowed through the misery because I knew that I was
blessed before hand to not get sick with a major sickness.

We taught our first real investigator. It was rather hard because she
didn't care about the Book of Mormon or either of our testimonies. All
she wanted was to get cold hard facts about Joseph Smith. After some
going back and forth, I told her that she needed to read Joseph Smith
history. It was just a rough visit. We came back on Wednesday to teach
again. She was really glad that I remembered things she had told me
and addressed them prior to starting. When we started, she told us
that she had read all of the reading and also found the Joseph Smith
movie and watched it. The only thing keeping her back was that Joseph
Smith said, "I saw two personages", instead of saying they were Jesus
and God. She needed us to prove their identity before she'd accept it.
I showed her a passage where God said, this is my son, and then Jesus
appears to the Nephites and says he was sent by God. That didn't
convince her. She then somehow convinced herself, and neither me nor
my companion questioned it. We had just made serious progress with our
investigator, and we didn't need to make her go back on it, because we
know that we were teaching truth, and she was getting caught up on
silly things. I left her with more homework, to pray to God for the
first time in years and to read the testimony of the 3 and 8
witnesses. She is also welcome to start the Book of Mormon. We were
supposed to meet with her again on Friday, but she wouldn't be there,
so we arranged to teach her today, our P day. I have a big story of
something that happened which I'll speak of later, which I think will
rock her socks off.

Me and my companion have been getting into volleyball recently and
have played it three days in a row. On one of them, a person spiked it
and I was unable to stop it. He then started bragging and freaking
out, so I said, "I will not boast of myself, I will boast of my God."
God must've liked that because I proceeded to dominate right after
until the game was done.

On Thursday night, I was feeling really sick. Things weren't looking
good for me. Before going to bed, I prayed that I would be able to
sleep for the first time in a week. I felt a prompting to go get a
blessing, but my introverted self refused to go wake up a leader.
Instead, I got under my blankets and tries to sleep. Little coughs
became big coughs. Big coughs became extremely big. I started to
develop really bad heartburn, and my companion was tossing and
turning. Worried that I was keeping him awake, I went to the bathroom
to go and try and get all my coughs out. The heartburn got worse, and
I was losing my ability to keep my cool. I then threw up in the sink
and kinda fell over. I threw up a second time and pushed myself up to
get a drink. The doors in the hallway slowly started opening and
people were looking st me to see if I was ok. A zone leader came out
and asked if I needed a blessing. I shyly accepted, and instantly,
everyone came out of their rooms to see me. Someone rushed a chair
over to me and had me sit while I waited. I was then given a
priesthood blessing and began to feel better. Within 10 minutes, my
sinus was cleared, my throat stopped hurting, and my headache went
away. They made sure I got back to bed safely and that was that. I was
so grateful that everyone cares that much. This is what I plan to tell
my investigator. The power of the priesthood which the Mormon church
has the authority to use.

The last thing I have to say is, don't trust the term "waterproof". My
waterproof camera died after I took a picture underwater. (Taken in a
sink, and that camera is waterproof up to 9 meters. And my watch is
waterproof up to 30 meters, that died, too, but yeah, that's my week!
The church is true.

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