Saturday, September 9, 2017

MTC Week One

I made it! The MTC is mostly fine. I would like to change dinner time.
It is at around 4:45, and then you don't get to eat again until the
next day at 7:45. How can anyone get fat if they are being starved?? I
have a pretty sweet companion, Elder Hardman. We don't have too much
in common, but he likes Star Wars, so I've been dropping Star Wars
quotes when I can. I like seeing him try to catch it.

I guess I kinda thought that guys would be more mature since we are
all here to serve the Lord. Then again, I'm in a building full of
guys. It can be a bit difficult to sleep at night because of the
burping competitions outside of my room and the potty humor. If
someone is not in the bathroom farts, and doesn't say "no bear" before
someone else calls bear, someone yells it, and everyone is out of
their rooms and starts yelling as the the poor kid is dragged into a
circle. He isn't allowed to leave until he gets down on all fours and
roars like a bear. I don't understand it either.

After the lessons I have received, I feel like I am ready to preach
the gospel to real people. I have many people question me and ask why
I am not scared. I don't understand why they are scared. I may not
know everything, and have only been in the MTC for a few days, but
that doesn't matter to me. I know that if we say our prayers, we'll
have the spirit with us, and that will guide. There is no need to be
scared because we have the Lord on our side. We're basically the 2,000
stripling warriors, and I know that if we remain faithful, not one of
us will fall.

I leveled up thrice on the manliness scale. We had to look our very
best for the branch president. Doing so required shining my shoes. I
had never done that before, so doing it gave me enough experience to
get halfway up a level. I then came to the realization that my stick
for my razor was gone. I didn't want to borrow one, because that's
unsanitary. Instead, I took the shaving razor blades and began to
manually shave my face with just my hand. Not only did I end up
completely clean shaven, I didn't get a single cut. That leveled me up
on the manly scale 2 and a half times.

We went to the gym last night to go exercise. I chose to play four
square because I love it. I was doing really good and quickly made a
few friends because of it. On one of the rounds, I tried to save a
ball and fell down. My watch was in my pocket and one of the straps
broke off. I spent the next little bit trying to put it back on, and
then the handle started to fall apart too. I decided I was being
stupid and should try to pray for help to fix my watch. After that, I
was able to put it back together perfectly. Unfortunately, one of the
pieces is a metal rod that almost ripped in half. I put it back as
good as I could. My watch is now ever so slightly loose, but it works
perfectly and I am so grateful. I've never felt like I've had as much
help from God as I have from this week. It gets a little bit
bothersome to hear the spirit tell me frequently, "don't do that." But
it is ok because I also have help from it frequently. I testify to you
all, the power of prayer does work! You might as well just ask for
help from God whenever you can't do something, because He knows
exactly what you need!

I'll talk to you guys later! I can't wait to tell more about my crazy
adventures of the MTC!

"Hey Elder, betcha can't jump up and hit the ceiling with your head."
Me: "Oh, you think so?" *dents the metal in the ceiling*

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