Thursday, September 28, 2017


Elder Ruth has arrived in Spokane! The mission president and his wife are wonderful.  They have taken videos of the missionaries arriving at the airport as well as a variety of pictures.  I can't believe it's only been three weeks since he has left for the MTC.  Time is sure a funny thing.  It speeds up, it slows down, it comes to a standstill.  Regardless, time marches on.

If you wish to write to Elder Ruth, his new address is 2707 East 37th Apt 201  Spokane, WA 99223

Elder Ruth with President and Sister Dymock

Elder Ruth with his first companion Elder Stuart

Bye Bye MTC

Before the missionaries leave the MTC they are required to have a haircut.  I think this is the shortest it has ever been!
When asked if he needed anything, he responds with MEMES!  So I sent him this.

Elder Porcupine Ruth
When asked to send a picture of his hair combed, I get this.

When asked to send a picture smiling with teeth, I am rewarded with this gem.

Packing for Spokane!  Hope everything fits!

Saturday, September 23, 2017


Do you guys remember last weeks email where I talked about that really difficult investigator who only wants facts? We taught her an extremely powerful lesson this week. She cried when I told her the story of when I got that priesthood blessing. She was ready to listen to everything we had to say, and she be became very serious in her desire to join the church. She believes in Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon and the power of the priesthood and the spirit. She will be baptized very soon!

I had two more investigators this week. One is an old man whose entire family is dead. He has attended nine other churches, but this one makes him feel great. He even attended the Provo open house temple three times. The third time, it had been dedicated, so he was devastated that he couldn't get in. We taught him all about eternal families and sealing and the temple. On my second lesson, I even invited him to be baptized. He's absolutely ecstatic. He thought you could only be in the church if you were born into it. He's had dreams where his family tells him that they accepted the gospel, so they want him to listen to the missionaries and do their family history work. He is a man who was prepared to receive the gospel, and I loved him.

The other guy is a very quiet college student. The first meeting was miserable because he wouldn't talk. The second was in the restoration. He told us towards the end that he prays a lot and rarely feels like god is even listening. The third lesson, I released the Kraken. He got me talking about why we have word of wisdom and chastity. Then, I gave a powerful lesson on Jesus Christ, the atonement, and repentance. He was deeply moved because I had the spirit helping me every step of the way. He is well on his way to joining the church after living many years in confusion.

My watch which was dead for a week because of the water started ticking again on Thursday. What a trooper!! Mah boi

We are singing "A Child's Prayer" as our going away song on Sunday. I drew a picture because that song is very significant to me. When I was 14, I sat in front of the temple crying, because I prayed and prayed while thinking that song and it seemed like God completely ignored it. Because of that experience, I attribute my unshakable faith to the church. I know how it feels to live without God, so when I was able to feel his love later, I never wanted to live without it again.

I wanted to share a message of encouragement. Jesus was not exempt from temptation. Though He never sinned, I am sure that some things were hard for Him to do. He was reluctant at first to take on the sins of everyone in the world at the garden. Nevertheless, He did it because he loved you. It was impossible for man to do. If he wasn't the son of God, he couldn't have endured it. He took every pain, sorrow, and sin upon himself because He loved you.

While fasting for 40 days, Satan got up in Jesus's face. He said to him, in my words, "Jesus. If you really are the son of a God. Prove it. Turn that rock into bread, then save yourself." The bread wasn't the temptation. The temptation was to show that Jesus was more than human. Later, he is taken to a temple spire. I'm sure many people were watching. Again. "Jesus, now is the perfect time. If you REALLY are the son of a God, jump from the temple. Angels will catch you. Everyone will see it, and they will love and worship you, calling you a God." It must have been tempting, because he might've been able to convert many people from them seeing such a miracle, but Jesus refused to tempt God. Lastly, he was nailed to the cross, in terrible pain in front of those he loved. He asked to have his mother taken care of. He forgave the sins of those around him. They were all crying, "Please, Jesus! We love you! You are the Son of God. Take yourself down from there, end your suffering!" But Jesus refused. He endured all, and it was because He loves and knows you personally. Never forget that Jesus loves you. Anything you have done can be forgiven. Jesus didn't suffer for most of the sins of man. He suffered for ALL of the sins of man, and I promise that if you repent, you can be forgiven.

Boy:  Heavenly Father?  Are you really there?  Do you hear every child's prayer?
Missionary:  Pray!  He is there.  Speak!  He is listening.  

Haircut!  Where did my hair go?
Here I am with the shortest hair ever!

Saturday, September 16, 2017

The Dedicated Sick Missionary

A demonstration of why Jonathan did not participate in hymns for the past few days.

Living On A Prayer (or hundreds of them)

I guess I kinda thought that since I was at the MTC, and they would
honor the "day of rest". Instead, we had class after class after
class. I was so tired from previous days and my inability to sleep
(which only strikes at night 😫) that I fell asleep through an entire
class. It was just on the first 15 pages of the missionary handbook
which I had read through all the way prior, so I didn't feel bad. Did
you know that there is a Meet the Mormons two? I didn't. But it's good

Monday was pretty rough. I became really sick. I was constantly
coughing and sneezing and trying to breathe. I also had a huge
headache. I plowed through the misery because I knew that I was
blessed before hand to not get sick with a major sickness.

We taught our first real investigator. It was rather hard because she
didn't care about the Book of Mormon or either of our testimonies. All
she wanted was to get cold hard facts about Joseph Smith. After some
going back and forth, I told her that she needed to read Joseph Smith
history. It was just a rough visit. We came back on Wednesday to teach
again. She was really glad that I remembered things she had told me
and addressed them prior to starting. When we started, she told us
that she had read all of the reading and also found the Joseph Smith
movie and watched it. The only thing keeping her back was that Joseph
Smith said, "I saw two personages", instead of saying they were Jesus
and God. She needed us to prove their identity before she'd accept it.
I showed her a passage where God said, this is my son, and then Jesus
appears to the Nephites and says he was sent by God. That didn't
convince her. She then somehow convinced herself, and neither me nor
my companion questioned it. We had just made serious progress with our
investigator, and we didn't need to make her go back on it, because we
know that we were teaching truth, and she was getting caught up on
silly things. I left her with more homework, to pray to God for the
first time in years and to read the testimony of the 3 and 8
witnesses. She is also welcome to start the Book of Mormon. We were
supposed to meet with her again on Friday, but she wouldn't be there,
so we arranged to teach her today, our P day. I have a big story of
something that happened which I'll speak of later, which I think will
rock her socks off.

Me and my companion have been getting into volleyball recently and
have played it three days in a row. On one of them, a person spiked it
and I was unable to stop it. He then started bragging and freaking
out, so I said, "I will not boast of myself, I will boast of my God."
God must've liked that because I proceeded to dominate right after
until the game was done.

On Thursday night, I was feeling really sick. Things weren't looking
good for me. Before going to bed, I prayed that I would be able to
sleep for the first time in a week. I felt a prompting to go get a
blessing, but my introverted self refused to go wake up a leader.
Instead, I got under my blankets and tries to sleep. Little coughs
became big coughs. Big coughs became extremely big. I started to
develop really bad heartburn, and my companion was tossing and
turning. Worried that I was keeping him awake, I went to the bathroom
to go and try and get all my coughs out. The heartburn got worse, and
I was losing my ability to keep my cool. I then threw up in the sink
and kinda fell over. I threw up a second time and pushed myself up to
get a drink. The doors in the hallway slowly started opening and
people were looking st me to see if I was ok. A zone leader came out
and asked if I needed a blessing. I shyly accepted, and instantly,
everyone came out of their rooms to see me. Someone rushed a chair
over to me and had me sit while I waited. I was then given a
priesthood blessing and began to feel better. Within 10 minutes, my
sinus was cleared, my throat stopped hurting, and my headache went
away. They made sure I got back to bed safely and that was that. I was
so grateful that everyone cares that much. This is what I plan to tell
my investigator. The power of the priesthood which the Mormon church
has the authority to use.

The last thing I have to say is, don't trust the term "waterproof". My
waterproof camera died after I took a picture underwater. (Taken in a
sink, and that camera is waterproof up to 9 meters. And my watch is
waterproof up to 30 meters, that died, too, but yeah, that's my week!
The church is true.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

MTC Week One

I made it! The MTC is mostly fine. I would like to change dinner time.
It is at around 4:45, and then you don't get to eat again until the
next day at 7:45. How can anyone get fat if they are being starved?? I
have a pretty sweet companion, Elder Hardman. We don't have too much
in common, but he likes Star Wars, so I've been dropping Star Wars
quotes when I can. I like seeing him try to catch it.

I guess I kinda thought that guys would be more mature since we are
all here to serve the Lord. Then again, I'm in a building full of
guys. It can be a bit difficult to sleep at night because of the
burping competitions outside of my room and the potty humor. If
someone is not in the bathroom farts, and doesn't say "no bear" before
someone else calls bear, someone yells it, and everyone is out of
their rooms and starts yelling as the the poor kid is dragged into a
circle. He isn't allowed to leave until he gets down on all fours and
roars like a bear. I don't understand it either.

After the lessons I have received, I feel like I am ready to preach
the gospel to real people. I have many people question me and ask why
I am not scared. I don't understand why they are scared. I may not
know everything, and have only been in the MTC for a few days, but
that doesn't matter to me. I know that if we say our prayers, we'll
have the spirit with us, and that will guide. There is no need to be
scared because we have the Lord on our side. We're basically the 2,000
stripling warriors, and I know that if we remain faithful, not one of
us will fall.

I leveled up thrice on the manliness scale. We had to look our very
best for the branch president. Doing so required shining my shoes. I
had never done that before, so doing it gave me enough experience to
get halfway up a level. I then came to the realization that my stick
for my razor was gone. I didn't want to borrow one, because that's
unsanitary. Instead, I took the shaving razor blades and began to
manually shave my face with just my hand. Not only did I end up
completely clean shaven, I didn't get a single cut. That leveled me up
on the manly scale 2 and a half times.

We went to the gym last night to go exercise. I chose to play four
square because I love it. I was doing really good and quickly made a
few friends because of it. On one of the rounds, I tried to save a
ball and fell down. My watch was in my pocket and one of the straps
broke off. I spent the next little bit trying to put it back on, and
then the handle started to fall apart too. I decided I was being
stupid and should try to pray for help to fix my watch. After that, I
was able to put it back together perfectly. Unfortunately, one of the
pieces is a metal rod that almost ripped in half. I put it back as
good as I could. My watch is now ever so slightly loose, but it works
perfectly and I am so grateful. I've never felt like I've had as much
help from God as I have from this week. It gets a little bit
bothersome to hear the spirit tell me frequently, "don't do that." But
it is ok because I also have help from it frequently. I testify to you
all, the power of prayer does work! You might as well just ask for
help from God whenever you can't do something, because He knows
exactly what you need!

I'll talk to you guys later! I can't wait to tell more about my crazy
adventures of the MTC!

"Hey Elder, betcha can't jump up and hit the ceiling with your head."
Me: "Oh, you think so?" *dents the metal in the ceiling*

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Pre-Mission Details

Hey, everyone! I'll be leaving in a few days to the MTC. September 6 is the start date of my Quest. This is definitely the biggest Side Quest that I have taken on in my life, but I hear that the rewards from completion are pretty great, so we'll see how this goes. If I level up enough in the MTC, things should go smoothly when I arrive on mission grounds.

Due to some of the quest's restrictions, I won't have access to this blog, so I've given all posting privileges to my Mom. Hopefully you'll enjoy the blog. It'll contain the letter I send out each week, other stories not in the letter, pictures I took and drew, and more. I'll talk to you guys again once I level up!

If you have any questions for me or just want to talk, you can leave a comment, or you can email me directly at