Monday, June 24, 2019

How Many Cats Can I Put On My Shoulder

I legit think you can get a hangover from Benadryl. I always give people's solutions a try to be able to sleep, and someone suggested some extra strength Benadryl to knock me out for bed time. I didn't get knocked out, but it did feel like my bed was taking me on a pirate adventure across the seven seas! And then when it was time to get up, I had a dizzy headache. I won't be doing that again!

So anyways, I came across a few kittens this week that I had a lot of fun with. Every time I found a kitten, I'd pick it up and plop it on my shoulder. I have pictures of like three different kittens on me. I was going so crazy with my trend, I borrowed someone's like 15 pound chubby gray cat, Charlie, and tried to place him on my shoulders. 

Ok, so I typed all this out and it was a good email. everything before this point was original. Then my computer decided to not keep any of the stuff after this point, and I am not typing up that storm again. Let me be like Inigo Montoya. there is too much. let me sum up:

We found 3 new people to teach.
I played my jaw harp for a herd of cows.
we put our 10 year old girl on date for baptism.
miracles are abounding.
a drunk person fell into the road and I was able to dodge them at the last second in our corolla. they got up and stumbled away.

That's just about it. Sorry for the lack luster email. It was really good before that dumb computer deleted it. 


Monday, June 17, 2019

2 People Came To Church

It was just another good ol week for maybe you and definitely me. The sun is shining and burning me, and I am content with it. We keep finding people, I keep making weird food, and blessings are left and right. Why do I write intros?

On the day when it was like 92 degrees, we got a call to mosy on over and help some people move. These people lived on the third floor of a complex. The moving truck blocked off the parking lot and so we couldn't have the truck near. It was parked across the lot on a hill. I thoroughly enjoyed prancing up and down the stairs and carrying things around. I have been working out like crazy, and so I can lift anything I want now without and fear of dropping and breaking it. I'd carry a ton of stuff down, drop it off, then run back up the stairs. I had to laugh to myself as I watched the older people working up a serious sweat and slowly walking up the stairs. I know I won't always be in this good shape, so I just had to take advantage of it. One hour later, the move was completed and almost everyone was dead. I just returned home and chugged some serious protein for the gainz.

One day, we were just slopping our way across the greasiest apartment complex this side of anywhere when Elder Willis got into the car. The car right next to us had some pretty neat dude who was fixing his car. I acted like I knew what I was talking about with car stuff, wished him luck, and peaced out. Before I got in the car, he told us to come visit some day. So we come visit some day and run into his Catholic brother who is fed up with his church. We talked about hunting, video games, food, and eventually the Plan of Salvation. He liked our view so much that he invited us back and belly flopped his way into our pool of investigators. He's a good ol guy.

In the same complex, we were just sliding our way around when we run into a lady with some serious cochlear implants, just like my parents. I struck up a conversation and a friendship with her a while ago. Her husband finally returned and answered the door one day like, "Who are you I hate you." Those weren't the exact words. But we told him we were her friends and he let us in. We had a good conversation, then set a return time. That time, we taught a bit of the Plan of Salvation and then shared a video of Jesus healing a blind man. They liked it so much that they became #2 and 3. Nice.

One day, I was just trolling through the depths of a ghetto trailer park when I saw some of my little kid friends. I instantly made friends with a new one named Maria. Then Micah came out... her friend says, "That's Micah. Maria HATES Micah." Then 6 year old Maria starts shouting "Shut up, Micah!" And it was all just so quick that I had a hard time not laughing my head off. He doesn't seem too bad to me, but. what can you do. Anyhow, I found out one of these, my young kids was the daughter of one of our other investigators. We mosy on over and ask if she can join the lessons too, and he agrees. So there's number 4! I then proceeded to play some serious 4 square and basketball with them, all the while Maria kept screaming at Micah and it was beautiful. 

That's it! I am not writing an outtro! BYE!

We helped out at a race and they printed out a picture for us

Getting rid of weeds

Monday, June 10, 2019

Just Learned What Yeet Means

Alright, that's it. Someone complained that it was getting too hot, and so winter slipped her ugly mug back into the picture. It may have lasted just a couple days, but I shouldn't have to wear my thermals in June! Rant over. 

Another week and another dollar for me. We were able to go around and find just all kinds of people. My first person I found was a woman who's faith level I aspire to achieve. The bible speaks of spiritual gifts, and so does Moroni. One of these gifts is great faith. This woman's faith is so strong, that just like in the New Testament, she is able to use it to wrought miracles in the name of the lord. The bible says if you have faith, you can move a mountain. That's not just for priesthood holders, you know ;) anyways, we had just the greatest discussion as a rainstorm beat the earth. As we finished, a triple rainbow graced the skies. I almost started screaming like that double rainbow guy from YouTube. 

One day, this senior missionary calls us up like "yo, I got this neighbor, and I want you to pluck her weeds up." So we shake n baked our way down and got to work. I was handed a hoe and I just went to town, wreaking havoc on her overrun garden. It was pretty fun actually. I guess most people dont have as much enthusiasm as I as I do for gardening, so we got done much quicker than anticipated. We also transplanted some bushes. Throwback to the time last year when that woman threw a fish from 2014 or something into the hole and her husband freaked out. At the end, we shared a good ol message and the woman actually really enjoyed it! So that was new investigator number 2. 

One evening we figured that we might as well enter the labyrinth. That's what I call an apartment complex without any rhyme or reason. We tend to get lost if we enter, and the amount of birds there makes leaving a trail of breadcrumbs futile. Anyways, the first door we knock on instantly invites us in to number 3 and 4! We caught them the day before their 2nd anniversary! Hes training up to be a SERE in the Airforce, and I know a couple SERE specialists and so I was able to talk a bunch about that. We then talked about God and Jesus and more. It was difficult because of his strong belief in the trinity, but he could tell we've got some light about us and so he wants us to come back when his insane schedule permits it. 

We got a call from a part member family this week! They've got themselves a 10 year old daughter and they said, "Elders, it's time she got baptized." That's like saying to a teenager, "want some food?" So we mosy our way on over and meet one of my new favorite investigators. I'm a bit startled because she looks like a young version of someone who once meant a ton to me. But she is just the sweetest girl! And though she has almost no gospel knowledge, she soaks it up like crazy and just loves us! I had so much hanging out and teaching her "Jesus stuff". She will be baptized in a couple months. Let's go!

I guess I don't have too much left to say. Things have been good. Elder Willis is doing great and the work is flaming. We've taught some great lessons and brought tears, been offered a bounty of food, and the sunsets have just been crazy. That'll do for this week. But still keep those loins girt.
Check out us with this dog!

Beautiful Sunset

Monday, June 3, 2019

Shoulder Work Ahead

Here we've got a shorter email. I normally write about all kinds of crazy stuff, but not a whole lot really stuck out to me this week. We still saw great things, I just have less to say.

Elder Willis messed up his back brake or something on his bike a while ago, but it hasn't really presented much issues for us. We've ridden all around town finding new people to teach and wreaking miracles in the name of the Lord. It's been good! Well, there's some construction on the path we usually ride on, and so we went through a parking lot instead. I proceeded through the end and went down like a 10 foot long small hill offroad. Elder Willis is less familiar with the area, and he saw these water drains which lead into the grass. He didn't know that they had about a foot dropoff, so his front wheel dipped down and he flung over his handle bars, onto his head and then onto his shoulder. He played it cool for the ride back home, and then we drove to an urgent care. Hes badly bruised and sprained, but he is ok. Just kicking it in a sling. That made it a little harder because we couldn't use the car much, but we plowed on. 

One day when we were out finding, I had an idea like we should just knock on the doors near the potential investigator we were going for. I didn't really want to listen to the Holy Ghost, but we did and we ran into my man, a native from the Colville tribe. I was very excited because he is a descendant of the Lamanites of the Book of Mormon. He talked about he just believes in a creator but not much else. We went back a day later and shared a video called "the music of the gospel", which was made just for the natives. It was powerful. And then we bore testimony about who he is and the promises God has given him specifically and how strong his people were in the gospel and all this amazing stuff, and he was just hooked. He already is developing a great testimony, just like his fathers and I am excited for him to be restored to the truth! 

There's not much else for this week to share. I went on exchanges with Elder Farr, bought more bird food for my birds outside, taught a lot of lessons and really just had an overall good week. I love the heat of the sun and the restoration of cash to my wallet. Definitely bought some good food this week. 

Exchanges with Elder Farr

Elder Willis and his arm sling