Monday, January 21, 2019

Generic Week

How nice. This week went by much quicker than last week. Miracles were wrought, shivers were had, and mr sun has yet to show his smiling face. I of course was aware of this, so I made sure to shine my happy light on Nemo (my plant) every single day. He sure is enjoying himself. I seriously just trimmed that man a couple months ago and he's already getting big. Like my biceps. Wait what?

There was a drought in my land for a little while. That's probably to be expected when you sweep into an area with just two or three people to teach. Me and Elder Herem worked hard, throwing seeds left and right. The field is starting to ripen. We had one plant just pop out of nowhere last week. We had my first baptism since September(?) on Saturday. I got to play the piano for it and it was wonderful. The spirit is always so powerful at baptisms. He was then the only guy we had come to church the next day, out of the six others we had committed. Now he has been blessed with the Holy Ghost and is working to help his mother join the church. That'll be a wonderful event for sure!

The other week, we visited a members home and shared the second half of the plan of salvation. A nonmember was so intrigued by it that he had to sit down and take it all in. He excitedly set a time for us to come over in a few days. It was then that something happened and he ended up in the hospital with a golf ball sized kidney stone. We sent over some other elders to give him a blessing and I guess they started teaching him for us! Haha, they returned him to us and he would like to be baptized in March or April. How exciting. This field is going great.

We have one person we were teaching commit a sin which they perceived to be of extreme seriousness. They were very shaken up and worried they wouldn't ever be able to be baptized. The sin they committed comes along with a commitment we make when we are baptized. I was able to show her a scripture in second Nephi 9 which lifted a large burden off of their shoulders. It was 2nd Nephi 9:25, in case anyone read this. Anyways, they met with the bishop the other day and now this person feels much much better. I fully believe they will be able to be baptized at the end of March. 

On one greasy January evening, we slopped our ways into the trailer park we seem to spend most of our time in. The very first door we knocked had some people my age, who let us in because they knew it was pretty freezing. We then shared a good ol powerful message on the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The guy was very glad to hear that not all churches were wrong, because they all preached of Jesus Christ, but ours had the complete truth and was led by Jesus through a prophet today. We are headed back tomorrow to bestow the knowledge of the plan of salvation on them. It'll be sweet. 

If you were expecting to hear about the pig farm, you'll be disappointed. Nothing of interest this week. We just did lots and lots of missionary work this week. We found 3 new people, taught like 20 lessons and wrought miracles in the name of the Lord. Not much else really stood out this week. The church is true, Jesus loves you. Jet fuel can melt steel beams. The earth isn't flat. 

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