Monday, January 14, 2019

A Slippery Week for You and Me

Another week of January has passed as slow as it could before my eyes. This week took longer to move than King Zora in Ocarina of Time. Not to say that it was a bad week, it was certainly good. I mean, we got some serious work done. We've found some more people to teach, we've built some good unity and. Well. Who even needs this first paragraph anyways. That's way too much introduction.

So anyways, there was this one person in Coeur d'Alene who I worked on soooooo hard. It took tons of effort because she no-showed or cancelled like there was no tomorrow, but I along with a couple companions were able to teach her the first three lessons along with a few of the commandments. Probably around half of the doctrine required for baptism. Anyways, this flaky person flaked so frequently that all were in agreeance to drop her. It was a shame, because when we did teach her, it was always a powerful lesson, and she was very into it. Well, it took me a while to catch wind of it since we can't email other missionaries in the same mission, but, she got through the rest of the lessons and was baptized. It's really nice to see a seed that me and my past companions plant and nurture finally blossom. Nice. 

So, I come from a land of bland food. Since I grew up with it, I didn't really mind too much. What a shock it was to me to come to the mission and experience so much flavor and spice! My trainer loved sriracha and it made me want to follow suit. After a few weeks, I finally built up a tolerance. Kinda weird because I think it tastes gross, I just enjoy lighting my mouth on fire. Time goes by and people occasionally put crazy crap into my food such as red peppers and fire sauce and habaneros. After some fight for truth and right, these became nullified. Eventually, the ghost pepper spooked its way into my mouth, giving me all it's got. That son of a gun didn't stand a chance against this emissary of the Lord! I fought my way through the legions of Indian and Mexican and Thai food, ready to conquer anything. It was then that one of my favorite guys out here approached from the depths of Cambodia, wielding the spiciest of them all. The Carolina reaper!! (At least, I think that's the hottest.) This pepper must have emerged from the genetically modified plant from hell. I don't understand why we put them into our bodies if we have to wear double layer gloves to touch them! I know that I said I enjoy lighting my mouth on fire. However, fire has a very important quality. If it's wet, it goes away. A normal burning sensation is ok and welcome, but this Carolina reaper was actively ripping my mouth apart in the flames. It was like all of the protons and neutrons and electrons were now vibrating a million times a second. I managed to hold my poker face quite well, but it was like my soul was being ripped from my body like in Hercules when he took a dip in the river styx. My face turned a slight shade of red, and it was hot as all get out, but the poker face continued and continued for the space of many minutes. After a long drought, vanilla ice cream was rewarded. I really thought that might save the day, but it only offered temporary relief. It took about 20 minutes and a bowl of ice cream and two cups of water before the reaper was smitten, and I was free. It feels good, knowing that a boy from a small town has now come on top, defeating the spiciest enemy in existence.

One day, we were minding our own business with the other Elders in the car and their phone starts to ring. I sigh deeply as I hear them receiving a referral, and then sigh harder when I hear he is already on date for baptism. An evil smile crept upon my face when I hear his address and then the other Elders say that he is for sure in their area. I slyly pull it up, and he is actually in ours! Yes, boyz! So we call this gentleman up and arrange a time and place to meet. We had a lesson at the bishops house, jam packed with the good stuff. It was fantastic, and this man was really prepared, despite having a lot of stuff not yet taught. We taught him another lesson with the good stuff at the ward mission leaders home two days later. He thoroughly enjoyed it and he came to church. Everyone there gladly accepted him in and a lot of them will come to his baptism. We are finishing up his last big ol lesson tonight at the relief society president's house. He will be interviewed on Wednesday and then baptized on Saturday. Needless to say, I am very excited to have another person I've taught winter the waters of baptism. Let's go, hype it up. Sorry Elder Herem. 

The rest of the week had some other good things as well. With some hard work and prayer, we finished the week with 5 new people and one of them was put on date. We've made contact with some people who've been gone for a while, we served a lot, and I even learned how to tape and mud a room. The sun is setting a bit later and I love it. Despite winter slapping me around like Jack Sparrow every time he visits Tortuga, things are grand, and I'm not holding your hand.. :(? I normally delete the weird stuff, but I'll keep that one. Haha. 

Do you see the two dogs?

Because I can

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