Monday, April 23, 2018

The Grace of God

We had another great week full of good stuff. First off, we got transfer calls today. Both of us are staying, and we still get to cover two wards. What luck! I thought that the wards would be split because of our success, but I guess we don't have very many missionaries at the moment. A lot have been returning home due to depression. Since we get to stay in both wards, we will be present for at least four baptisms of which we personally taught all the lessons. 

One thing that bothers me about myself is my shyness. I've been very good at talking to everyone whether I know them or not, but when I'm in a setting I'm comfortable in, such as my apartment or the church during P day, I have a hard time talking to new people. Some drunk man found his way into the church last P day. He kept going on about how nice all of us were. I eventually hid behind the curtain and watched as he stumbled around, trying to play basketball with some of the others. He eventually decided it was time to go, so he hugged the closest people for an uncomfortably long time. He then gave the last elder a fat kiss on the cheek. *shudders*

One of our main homeslice investigators is living in a less active woman's house. She has come to every Sunday since we've been teaching him. She has a boyfriend who we asked about two months ago. She said that he would never consider becoming Mormon. This was confirmed by many others. During our lesson with homeslice, this guy came in and sat down, genuinely intrigued. We taught him all about families and stuff. He teared up multiple times and asked for a Book of Mormon. He can't see great, so we got him a huge one. He even came to church yesterday. You should've seen the eyes of everyone who knew him when he came in. He had such a good experience and he is now an investigator.

Do you remember the lady last week who we helped cross the street? Her walker is missing parts on the back legs, so it veers to the right heavily. She takes three steps, then has to correct it. Anyways, one guy called us over to help him with his backyard. We got lots done and it was very satisfying. I found a tennis ball and asked if I could have it. I've seen walkers with tennis balls on the back, so I figured I could find another and fix the lady's walker. The guy we helped gave us the actual rubber pieces necessary to fix the walker. She was very happy when we came to help her.

Remember the guy who was going to leave on Wednesday and be homeless? The Lord kept his promise, and he gets to stay! Various ward members have been stepping up and offering him work. He is headed to our dinner appointments house today to do some landscaping. His only problem was his lack of tools. We were able to ask the man who gave us the walker pieces and got the proper tools for the job. Things are just coming together and I love it. Not only has he fixed his temporal situation, but he is now on track for his eternal salvation. This man is on date to be baptized on May 19th! He came to church yesterday and stayed the full three hours and made lots of friends. What a great turn of events! 

So there you have it. It was a very good week. One of our only less promising investigators dropped us, so we went out and received two new ones that same day. We're seeing the Lord's hand left and right. We both get to stay, and we keep both wards. I wasn't kissed on the cheek this week. The church is true. 

Breaking news, I just found this out. Back when I was in Palouse, I worked with two different companions and taught an investigator all of the lessons. He was baptized on Saturday! I am so happy for him, he was a really great man. This is the third person who has been baptized which I taught all the lessons to. I just wish I could go see him. 

See the kitty

We can finally play Frisbee!

Elders got some talent

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