Monday, April 8, 2019

Written When I Was Tired and Weird

This week went by even quicker than Alma returning to the city of Ammonihah. It wasn't what I expected from a week as trying as this one. But I saw a wild owl, saw multiple sunsets and felt the spirit a lot, so it was good.

The agnostic guy is the investigator who in my opinion has the greatest potential for success. We finally met his wife and 9 year old daughter this week. His wife told us that he would spend a while after every visit teaching her everything that we taught him. Slowly with each lesson, the Lord has been removing the scales of darkness from their eyes so that they may see. They've been noticing truth all around them. They have also seen how many of the "good" people they know are members of the church, and how much of the things they have heard about the church is wrong. We talked to them dropping hints like crazy about the temple and eternal marriage and they can be sealed as a family. If things go they way I hope, we will put him and his wife and 9 year old on date this Tuesday. I am so excited for them. I've seen some incredible happiness watching the lives of people change who were humble enough to God in even if it was for just a minute.

So, I guess that for quite a while, I've been enthralled by the beauty of the twilight. I noticed lately that if it rains, the sky that night will be especially beautiful. Multiple times, the sun has set on us as we've walked the streets, creating an aura of absolute peace. The birds softly chirp as they return to their nests and parents call their kids in for the night as the sky radiates incredible hues of gold and pink, twisting into the purple and blues of the night. It just feels so different to me and I love it. I feel the spirit so strong as I watch the skies last hurrah, knowing God made it do that for you and me. It's definitely mellowed me out, and I've found I feel so awe struck I have a difficult time talking for at least 30 minutes after the fact. And I stand all amazed, knowing that God would create something so beautiful for someone like me, who goofs all the time. I wish there was a better way to repay Him sometimes. After all, He's almost all I really have left. 

We went to a very well off neighborhood this week in the pursuit of the children of God. One lady viciously informed me we were in neighborhoods of an H.O.A and so it was illegal for us to be here. We told her she had nothing to worry about, we were here for a specific purpose. That got her off our backs, and we mosy to a door that other Elders knocked on a couple weeks back. This grouchy old man opens, says some rude things, and closes the door right as his wife appears behind him. I stared at her until she opened up. She started to rebuke us too, saying we don't believe in Christ. I told her, "We believe in Jesus Christ as the Savior and Redeemer of the world. He created the world and just about everything in it." (Because he didnt make our soul.) She then rebuked, saying that we must never add to the bible, so I gave her a history lesson. (The bible is a compilation of works by various prophets on hundreds of scrolls, not a single book passed around. The Book of Mormon wasn't in the bible because it was on another continent.) She was just getting so angry and said that she prays we will one day be brought to the truth. And with her angry remarks, we turned our backs and I said, "yes, pray to God and ask." And that's really our invitation to all. This was especially apparent to me in general conference. We need to pray to God and gain a witness for ourselves if the church actually is Christ's church. If it is, you had better drop what you're doing and join it. If it's not, then don't. I testify it is, and I dont need to pour out every ounce of my testimony to back myself up. This is Christ's church. So if you dont think so, or you doubt the prophet or some doctrine, have some faith and pray about it. I know those who do so with a broken heart and contrite spirit will resolve their concerns and unite with the church of the beloved lamb of God. 

Last P day was one of the best P days I have had on my mission. I had invited the clutchest members this side of anywhere to come with us to go bowling. They brought their whole family other than their Elder, all of whom I have grown to love immensely. Not only this, they brought my boy Tyson, the one who would go out with me in deer Park and wrought miracles, along with his sister. I was so excited to see everyone, and though the absence of his other siblings bummed me out a bit, I was so glad to be with all of my friends. Oh, Elder Herem was there too. 

Anyways, being a missionary makes it seem like you've gotta just get out and baptize everyone and their dog. A mature missionary knows that's not it at all. It's about strengthening our brothers and sisters and helping our lost ones return. Though none of these my brethren were lost, I believe that they have strengthened me with their love and faith. I can't speak in their behalf, but I hope that I have done the same for them. 

This brings me to last week when I bore testimony in church. There were so many kids making noise and running up the aisles to the stand to bear testimony. I watched them in awe. They were full of faith, without any doubt or fear as they told the congregation they know the church is true. I had to get up there and tell the congregation to "behold your young ones". Of such is the kingdom of God. They are so incredible and pure, I'd like to be like them. It was just a quick two minute testimony and I didn't think anything would come of it. Later, we were invited to some members to dinner the next Sunday (yesterday). They told me that they were grateful I listened to the prompting of the spirit and got up there. My brief testimony had struck them, causing them to "make some changes". And though I don't know what their changes were, I could feel their love and gratitude. So my final message of this email is, people are watching you and they can see your light. Even when you feel small and insignificant in this world, you are likely making a difference and inspiring other people. If you're doing anything commendable and don't see the fruits of your labors, don't give up. Keep holding out strong. A city on a hill can not be hid. People will see you and will grow because you had the faith to follow Christ and act in his behalf. 

So there it is. We found three new this week. I've also seen eagles, hawks, porcupines, marmots and an owl over here. We did some sweet service and tried our best to be good ol representatives of Jesus. Peace. 

Good Company, Good Food

We can play games on P-Day now!

Sunset in Spokane

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